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The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Scholarship from American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.® Scholarship Awarded

Jacob Anthony Jerome

Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh Scholarship Awarded : $1500

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Grace Bowar

Brandon, SD
South Dakota State University Scholarship Awarded : $1500

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Elaine P.

Oakland, CA
St. Mary's College of California Scholarship Awarded : $1500

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Molly Hyde

Durham, NH
University of Massachusetts, Scholarship Awarded : $1500

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Next Scholarship Deadlines For 2022: Spring Scholarship Deadline - May 1st

Scholarship Deadlines For 2022: Fall Scholarship Deadline - October 1st

Scholarship Awarded Amount: $1500 awarded for Spring Scholarship

$1500 awarded for Fall Scholarship

Apply Now

The “Save a Life” Scholarship for Students of Healthcare and Education

Learning CPR and basic first aid are ways any one of us could potentially save a life. The educators and healthcare professionals of tomorrow take this mission even further by pursuing careers dedicated to the advancement of health and wellness. That is why The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is proud to sponsor the “Save a Life” Scholarship, offered exclusively to students majoring in the healthcare and education fields.

We know that caregiving and teaching can both be challenging but incredibly rewarding professions. That’s precisely why we made this commitment to further the education and career development of future doctors, nurses, technicians, professors, and teachers of all areas of specialization with this scholarship. We want to help with your education.

The "Save a Life" Scholarship

The “Save a Life” Scholarship of, $1,500, is awarded twice per year: once in the spring and once in the fall. Each $1,500 award will go to a different student, in order to maximize the impact of the scholarship, spread the word of the importance first aid and CPR training, and share more stories from future educators and healthcare professionals.

Scholarship Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Any student currently enrolled in, or applying to enroll within the next academic year, in a degree program in the fields of healthcare or education, at an accredited U.S. university, is eligible to apply.
  • You must provide your school GPA.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • We take a broad view of what counts as a “healthcare field,” and that can include students pursuing mental health degrees or occupations, as well as administrative and non-profit programs. Applicants will have the opportunity to make their case for why their chosen field of study can be classified as healthcare or education-focused as part of their essay.
  • If you aren’t selected, that doesn’t mean we aren’t interested in your story — we still want to hear from you! Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply in subsequent scholarship rounds. Scholarships will only be awarded one time to each winner. Past winners are not eligible to apply again.
  • Please do not send emails asking if your essay was received. Unless you receive a failure to deliver message, then we have received your submission.
  • Please read the full submission instructions before contacting us with questions related to the scholarship. If you need further assistance, please contact
  • Applicants will not be notified if they were not selected. Please do not email us asking if or when a winner has been selected. Winners are selected approximately 30 days after each scholarship deadline.
  • Scholarship winner will need to submit a photo copy of government issued state identification card or driver license.

How To Apply:

Qualifying applicants will submit the following information via email to

  • Your name, address, phone number, and email
  • Your scholarship essay of between 750 and 1,000 words, explaining your career aspirations, how you plan to advance healthcare and/or education through your work, and what inspired you to commit yourself to this field. Your scholarship essay can be attached as a Word file, or linked as a Google Doc.
  • Submit your essay before each deadline. Essays received after the deadline will not be considered.
    • Fall Scholarship Deadline - October 1st, 2020
    • Spring Scholarship Deadline - May 1st, 2021
  • A copy of your most recent academic transcript to prove enrollment in a qualifying degree program from accredited US institutions.

    — or —

  • A copy of your letter of acceptance, proving future enrollment in a qualifying degree program from accredited US institutions.

What We’re Looking For:

Our mission is to empower more people from all walks of life to help others, whether in an emergency situation or in response to illness or injury. That is why we offer BLS certification online, as well as CPR and first aid certification courses. While the advantages to doctors and nurses are obvious, it’s equally important for anyone in the healthcare field, such as caregivers for the elderly, or even school teachers and daycare workers, to learn CPR and basic life support. In an emergency, CPR and BLS can give enough time for first responders to arrive and take over. In this way, having a CPR certification or BLS certification could potentially save a life.

We want to know why you chose your selected major or field of study: what experiences or individuals inspired you and set you on this course? How do you see yourself providing healthcare, advancing wellness, or leading and educating others in the future? Tell us how you hope to better the world through your works. Will you be a trauma surgeon, a phlebotomist, a therapist, or a high school teacher who might need to save a student in an emergency? How will you use your training? What does education or healthcare mean to you? Make it personal, unique, ambitious, sentimental — whatever best expresses you and your drive to serve and care for others.

We will be sharing finalist essays on social media, and encourage you to do the same. Winners will be displayed on our website along with your picture, city/state, and partial name, and selected on a combination of factors; social engagement may play a limited part, but our final selection will be based on the originality, expressiveness, passion, and the ambition we see in applicants and their essays. If you are not chosen, don’t be discouraged — we know you have a story to tell, and we still want to hear it. Your drive to help others might just earn you this $1,500.