Online CPR Certification Blog
Why Air Pollution is Associated with Premature Birth?
Date: April 24th, 2016
The association of air pollution for pregnant women
If you are pregnant and you are on your 37th to 40th weeks you must be cautious because according to a study conducted at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital of having a premature birth. The team has just discovered that if a pregnant woman is exposed to fine particular air pollution while they are pregnant, they will have a higher possibility of having a premature birth, especially those who were exposed during their 3rd trimester. According to the first author of the research, “even if the risk growth is quite uncertain, the possibility of the outcome is forceful and all pregnant women are possibly at risk.
The harm that particle pollution can bring is very dangerous in America. The particles re of different sizes as well as shapes and they come from various sources and composed of lots of chemicals. In urban places, there is a higher probability of particular pollution because of the diesel exhaust. The capacity to put the health in danger merely depends on the size of the particles. If the particles are small, they are most dangerous, because they can be inhaled and may affect the lungs as well as the heart.
Fine particulars are around 2.5mc and they are also known to be as PM 2.5. These were the focus of health research & regulatory bodies. They are quite stable than the ultrafine particles and they have transported beyond the coarse particles. To collect an idea about the size, the fine particle must be around 30xs tinier than that of the human hair.
More than 10% of the pregnant moms are at higher risk of being exposed
The researchers have checked thoroughly the birth records in Ohio from year 2007 to 2010 during their study. They have discovered that more than 225,000 singleton as disparate to multiple live births and that includes more than 19,000 premature cases that will be around 8.5% in all. The team of researchers has linked the birth record data with the regular daily levels of PM 2.5 fine particles taken from the air quality measures that were recorded at around 57 Environmental Protection Agency stations throughout the state.
They have discovered that the high PM 2.5 exposure happened all the time during the study period, with around 11% of the women who were pregnant and having been exposed in all of the periods during the pregnancy. After being able to regulate for other possible risk factors, the researchers have discovered that women with high PM 2.5 exposure throughout their pregnancy had around 19% higher risk of having a premature birth. The researchers assessed the rate in a per trimester basis and they have discovered that during the 3rd trimester, there is the highest premature birth risk.