Online CPR Certification Blog
The Positive Effects of Isometric Exercises on the Heart and Body
Date: March 8th, 2024
Regular exercise is one of the simplest things you can do to improve your quality of life and reduce your chance of getting chronic diseases. Of course, the average American doesn’t get enough exercise. Yet, increasing your physical activity levels can benefit your health, regardless of age or physical condition. If you want to be more active but can’t because of pain, illness, or mobility issues, you can pick and choose from the most useful isometric exercises.
It has been demonstrated that isometric exercises can improve range of motion, strength, and muscle mass. Other benefits of isometric exercises include lowering stress levels, enhancing mental health, helping in yoga poses, and preventing injuries. The best part is that you can perform these exercises anywhere without visiting a gym.
This article discusses examples of isometric workouts and their risks and provides detailed information on the benefits. Continue reading!
Understanding Isometric Exercises
These are workouts that target specific muscle tension without including any additional joint movement. They involve holding a muscle contraction for a prolonged period, which can help strengthen and stabilize the muscles, enhancing physical endurance and improving one’s posture.
Muscles can contract in two distinct ways:
Isotonic: When a muscle contracts isotonically, the length of the muscle changes in response to resistance while the tension stays the same.
Isotonic contractions are common in strength training, and many common workouts use either concentric or eccentric motions. By contrast, eccentric contractions stretch muscles, whereas concentric contractions shorten them.
Isometric: This is when a muscle is under increased tension yet maintains its length. When performing an isometric workout, the muscle does not contract or relax. Isometric workouts include holding a fixed position while contracting and releasing a muscle. The isometric contraction will usually be held for a few minutes.
Maintaining your body in a specific position or using weights are two examples of how isometric workouts build tension. Muscle metabolic stress is produced when a contraction is held for an extended period, allowing blood to enter the muscle. Strength and stamina may be bolstered as a result.
Examples of Isometric Exercises
It’s essential to think about the many muscle groups that need work. With only isometric moves, you may work every muscle in your body.
Here is both lower and upper isometric exercise that would help build various muscles:
A study from 2016 found that doing plank exercises was an excellent approach to developing the abdominal muscles. To do planks:
- Prepare to do a press-up.
- Keep the hands flat on the floor by bending the elbows.
- Maintain a rigid core and a straight line of motion by placing the forearms under the shoulders.
- Maintain this stance for 10 seconds first, and work up to longer and longer durations.
Glute Bridge
Glute bridges are exercises that aim at strengthening the posterior thighs.
Glute bridges are performed by:
- Relax by lying face up on the floor, knees bent, and feet flat. Raise your palm-down-facing-up arms in the air.
- Using your core muscles, lift your hips off the ground until your torso forms a straight line, and hold that position with your arms.
- Maintain this stance while engaging your abs.
Wall Sit
Wall sit an easy way to strengthen your legs without putting unnecessary pressure on your lower back.
You can enjoy this exercise by:
- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight as you stand about 2 feet from the wall
- Relieve some pressure on the back by slowly assuming a sitting position with the wall behind you
- Keep the core tight and the knees bent at a 90-degree angle as if you were sitting on a chair
- Maintain this stance for as much as necessary
Leg endurance can be improved by performing this alternative to the standard squat. To carry out this drill:
- Separate your feet to a minimum of your shoulder-width
- Gently stoop down by bending your knees and thrusting your hips back
- Bring your arms forward when you’re at the bottom of the motion to help you maintain balance
- Maintain this stance for sometime
Other isometric exercises include:
- Dead hang
- Ball squeeze
- Lunges
- Hip Lifts

Image alt text: A fitness lady doing squat exercises.
Author credits: By AnonymousUnknown author, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Dangers Associated with Isometric Exercises
Compared to many dynamic motions, isometric workouts are less taxing on the body’s major muscle groups. Despite the possibility of safety, isometric activities may result in injuries or exacerbate those already present.
Incorrect form when performing isometric workouts might potentially result in damage. For instance, performing a plank incorrectly might cause the lower back to tense up more, which could result in injury.
Hence, it would help if you ceased performing an isometric workout as soon as you experience pain or discomfort.
Benefits of Isometric Exercises Heart and Body
Each year, the CDC reported that heart disease kills around 610,000 Americans. When it comes to individuals below 65, heart disease is likewise the leading killer. We must treat this disease with the seriousness it deserves. Fortunately, individuals can benefit from heart-healthy exercises and reduce their risks.
If you have cardiovascular risk factors, it is incredibly crucial that you exercise. You are more likely to get coronary heart disease if a close relative has it. In other words, exercising is essential for those with cardiovascular complications like a heart attack or stroke.
The benefits of isometric exercises are as follows:
Has the Potential for Reducing Blood Pressure
Because exercising at greater intensities can dramatically increase blood pressure, especially during the activity, isometric exercises may also assist in gradually lowering your blood pressure.
Another study from the Department of Cardiology found that isometric exercise may lead to lower blood pressure in both young and older adults. Therefore, anyone with hypertension or heart disease should talk to their doctor before commencing an isometric workout program.
Alleviate Stress and Depression
Exercise is a well-known potential natural treatment for depression in people of all ages, especially concerning how they think about themselves.
Exercising lowers stress levels and prevents depression. Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. This ensures you aren’t concerned about any consequences from the cardiac workout.
Easily Accessible Training Methods
You don’t need any special equipment or space to perform isometric workouts. That is to say, neither going to a gym nor spending much money on equipment are necessities. But you can still reap the health benefits of these exercises by doing them at home.
Controls the Level of Cholesterol
Exercise accelerates our bodies’ metabolism, which aids in burning calories more quickly than usual. Also, it aids in controlling our body’s cholesterol levels, which lowers our risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which is brought on by excessive cholesterol levels.
Often, isometric exercise also helps with knee and back discomfort. The benefits of exercise include keeping us healthy and robust.
Help Build Resilience
Building resilience and learning healthy coping mechanisms through exercise can be a valuable alternative to using substances or engaging in risky behaviors when dealing with emotional distress. In addition to improving your mood and lowering your stress levels, regular exercise helps strengthen your immune system.
Here are other benefits of general exercises:
Bolsters the heart’s protective muscles: Exercise lowers your risk of heart disease by helping to build stronger muscles around your heart, allowing it to pump blood more effectively. The likelihood of a heart attack or stroke is reduced when you exercise frequently.
Reduces excess weight: Obesity can lead to significant health problems like increasing your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke. Weight loss is by far the most crucial advantage. Besides, carrying extra weight harms your heart. Exercises are, therefore, a highly valuable part of weight loss.
Improved your thinking or memory: The release of feel-good endorphins also boosts focus and alertness, making it easier to get things done. Physical activity delays cognitive decline with age and promotes the development of new brain cells.
Increased self-esteem: Consistent physical activity is like a savings account for your brain, body, and spirit. Making this a regular practice will do wonders for your confidence and self-esteem. Meeting even modest workout objectives will boost your confidence and make you feel accomplished.
Isometric exercises, such as glute bridges, wall sits, lunges, and planks, work the muscles under tension without involving joint movement. The use of these workouts can increase muscle endurance.
They are well suited for persons with restricted mobility due to injury or illness. Muscular performance, blood pressure, stress, and mood can all benefit from including isometric exercises in your regular workout regimen.
You should check in with your doctor before beginning any new form of physical activity. Although regular isometric exercise has been shown to reduce blood pressure, it may temporarily raise readings during a workout because muscle contractions cause blood suction from the muscle into the circulatory system.