Online CPR Certification Blog
The 5 Minute Guide to Cardiovascular Ailments, Causes, and Remedies
Date: November 3rd, 2020
Understanding Cardiovascular Ailments
Cardiovascular ailments are among the many kinds of heart illness that lead to the narrowing or blocking blood vessels, causing chest aches, stroke, or heart attacks.
Other heart disorders can affect other areas like the valves, heart’s rhythm, or heart muscles.
In simple terms, heart illnesses include an array of complications that affects a human heart. These complications can be because of coronary artery illnesses, arrhythmias, or sometimes a few heart defects are inborn.
Studies show that cardiovascular ailments are among the most notorious cause of death in the US. Because these diseases are a threat, you want to learn more about them and how to stay safe. It is crucial to know how your heart functions to take proper care of it.
Most heart complications arise due to poor lifestyles. The implications of such lifestyles are not necessarily immediate, but they may show up after a couple of years, in some cases, even in your older years.
WHO reports show that heart ailments as the main reason for most deaths all over the globe. AHA estimated that by 2030, heart failure figures would rise to forty-six percent, almost twenty-three point six million people yearly.
Research also indicates that both males and females have a fifty percent chance of getting heart diseases. People without or those with few heart complications still have a thirty percent risk of heart illnesses.
Such statistics plus the mortality rates linked to heart disorders should be a motivation to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
In this article, we will expand on the different kinds of heart illnesses, their causes, and how to tackle them. You will notice the prevention of such diseases is all a matter of healthy living.
Red Flags You May Be Suffering from a Heart Illness
Signs of heart illnesses vary depending on the specific kind of heart complication you have.Here is an overview of the symptoms of heart illnesses and the particular areas they affect.
Warning signs of heart illness in the blood vessels.
Heart illness in the blood vessel or commonly known as atherosclerosis manifests differently in males and females. Atherosclerosis arises due to the hardening of arteries.
Typically, men do have chest aches, but for women, the chest aches come along with other conditions like nausea, fatigue, and experiencing breath shortage.
Common indicators for atherosclerosis include;
- Angina- it is a type of heart discomfort characterized by chest pains, tightness, and pressure
- Breath shortage
- Aching of upper tummy, throat, back, and neck.
Lastly, narrowing of blood vessels in your arms or legs, making them numb, cold, or weak.
Warning signs of heart illnesses triggered by unusual heartbeats.
The unusual beating of the heart, often known as heart arrhythmia, happens when it pumps too slow, too fast, or irregular.
In normal circumstances, a heart beats at an approximate interval of 60-100 times per minute. Anything less or more than that is said to be unusual.
Indicators you are having arrhythmia comprise;
- Breath shortage
- Chest aches
- Heart beating at an extraordinarily fast speed
- Sluggish heartbeat
- Chest palpitations
- Dizziness
Warning signs of heart illnesses triggered by inborn heart defects.
Not all cardiovascular ailments arise during the lifespan of an individual; some are inborn. Indicators of such diseases can be seen immediately after delivery, and they include;
- Certain areas of the body swell, namely legs, areas near the eyes, and abdomen.
- Unusual skin color normally pale-gray or sometimes blue.
- Most newborns have a breath shortage when breastfeeding, which can cause them to be underweight.
Statistically, for every 500 children, four of them have a heart complication. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you will notice the signs soon; some take longer to show up, like until the kid is an adult or later in their childhood.
Some of the indications of non-threatening inborn heart illnesses are breathing shortage during/after an exercise or huge task, getting tired extraordinarily fast or hands and feet inflammation.
What causes inborn heart illnesses is not certain, yet though several factors can trigger them. Examples of these factors are; genes or if the mother was drinking alcohol excessively or using drugs during pregnancy.
Warning Signs of heart complications triggered by feeble heart muscles.
This condition is well known as cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy victims are diagnosed with abnormally big hearts, which sometimes tend to be stiff and thick. Hearts of individuals suffering from this condition are unable to pump blood throughout the body effectively.
Detecting cardiomyopathy is not easy, especially at initial stages. As the ailment worsens, the signs become more diagnosable, which can be very dangerous because if not taken care of sooner, it can cause more damage.
Here are signs that can help you know when an individual has cardiomyopathy;
- Labored breathing, which can occur when the victim is at rest.
- Fatigue
- Palpitations
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Feet, ankles or legs inflammation
Cardiomyopathies can be genetic or sometimes triggered by obesity, blood pressure, or diabetes.
Warning Signs of heart ailments triggered by the complications of the valves in the heart
Valves are four in number and serve as the main route of blood flow throughout the heart. Several factors can cause these valves to work inefficiently. Example of such causes are;
1. Stenosis – a condition in which the aortic valve constricts, limiting the speed of blood flowing to the heart and the whole body.
2. Regurgitation- in this case, the mitral valve fails to close firmly, causing the leak back. Blood regurgitation is a serious condition since, after the regurgitation of blood, the fluid will make a stoppage inside the lungs.
3. prolapse- a condition where the valves close improperly.
Patients with valve heart illnesses can present the following signs;
- Breathe shortage
- Chest aches
- Fatigue
- Inflamed feet
- Unusual heartbeats
- Fainting
Red flags of heart illnesses that may arise due to heart infections.
Infections such as endocarditis, a disease that affects the membrane between heart chambers and its valves, can cause heart complications in the long run. Other heart infections include pericarditis and rheumatic heart ailments that arise due to inflammation of heart lining.
Rheumatic heart illnesses are common in kids and are caused by rheumatic fever. This kind of fever initially shows up when the victim had a strep throat that wasn’t taken care of. Later on, this fever can affect the other parts of the patient’s body, so it is crucial to conduct a close examination and care for patients suffering from this ailment.
Other heart complications comprise;
- Stroke
When you have a stroke, it implies that there was a hindrance to blood flow in your brain. Insufficient oxygen and blood supply in the brain tampers with normal functioning or can cause sudden death.
If an artery blocks or a blood vessel ruptures, it can lead to stroke. Without immediate attention, stroke patients end up serious brain damage and other fatal complications. In the US, stroke contributes to most death and disability causes.
- Pulmonary embolism
It is a condition that develops because of thrombosis. Thrombosis is a situation where blood coagulates deep inside your veins. Now, pulmonary embolism is when the coagulated blood leaks and enters your body, which then hinders the flow of blood.
It is a situation that requires quick medical attention or might cause death. Pulmonary thrombosis can be hereditary, or as a result of sitting for periods, excess bed rests, using family planning pills or pregnancy.
- Aneurysm
Aneurysm is a complication in which a lump occurs on the artery walls, and when it ruptures, the victim bleeds internally. It is a severe condition that can take place anywhere on a victim’s body.
- Heart failure.
A person’s heart is said to have a failure when it is unable to pump sufficient blood that supports regular body functioning. Various heart ailments can lead to this complication, such as cardiovascular illnesses, heart valve ailments, or cardiomyopathy.
- Heart attack
The main reason for the occurrence of heart attacks is blood clotting, hindering blood flow inside blood vessels. Heart attacks can further damage to the heart muscles. In some cases, atherosclerosis can trigger heart attacks.
- Cardiac arrest
Unusual heart rhythm is a well-known source for cardiac arrests. A patient on cardiac arrest suddenly stops breathing or becomes unconscious after their heats stop functioning. It is a problem that requires quick medical support; if not, the victim can die.
- Minor artery illnesses
Heart ailments like atherosclerosis can lead to minor artery illnesses. Such complications normally affect the limbs as they limit the blood flow to the legs. A common indicator for this disorder is legs inflammation or leg aches during walking.
auses of Different Kinds of Heart Illnesses.
Different heart ailments arise due to various reasons.
Below is a list of causes of various heart ailments that you can encounter;
- Cardiovascular diseases.
Cardiovascular illnesses are an array of ailments that come about due to complications in the blood vessels. Atherosclerosis is a well-known reason for the development of most cardiovascular diseases. Accumulation of plaque in the artery wall lining causes them to thicken and stiffen, hindering blood flow to other body organs.
Leading unhealthy lives, not exercising, smoking, and obesity are the common roots for cardiovascular illnesses.
There’s a remedy for all the causes mentioned above. It is crucial to observe a healthy way of life to prevent such diseases.
Unusual heartbeat
Several factors can trigger an uneven or unusual heartbeat. Some of them include diabetes, inborn heart complications, smoking, drug abuse, excessive alcohol drinking, and stress. Diseases affecting the artery and valves also can cause arrhythmia. Other reports show that some prescriptions, herbal solutions, and nutritional supplements may lead to unusual heartbeats.
- Inborn heart illnesses.
Inborn heart ailments develop during the gestation period. After conception, it will take a month or two before the heart complication starts to grow. Genetic reasons can trigger inborn heart defects, together with other factors like medications or various medical disorders.
- Cardiomyopathy
There are three kinds of cardiomyopathy, all with different causative agents.
- Dilated cardiomyopathy- There’s no known particular cause for this kind of ailments. However, it can be as a result of low blood flow to the victim’s heart. Restriction of blood flow to a human heart can be because of a certain group of drugs, an infection, or an effect after a recent heart attack. Sometimes the disease is hereditary; therefore can be inherited from parents.
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy- such a condition emerges when the heart muscles thicken. Normally, it is a genetic condition, but factors like blood pressure and getting old can trigger it.
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy-this is a rare form of cardiomyopathy that presents itself as rigid or inelastic heart muscles. Such a condition can develop because of problems in the connection of tissues, iron accumulation inside the body, protein accumulation, or various cancer cures.
Lastly, inborn heart valve complications can trigger heart valve illnesses in victims and lead to; infections, tissue connection complications, or rheumatic fever.
Factors That Put You at Risk of Developing Heart Ailments.
Several elements put a different group of people at unique positions to develop heart ailments. Some of these factors are;
- Family genetic history on heart complications
Not all individuals develop heart complications due to unhealthy lifestyles; some are getting caught up in this situation because of family genetic history. Individuals born from a family with a history of heart illnesses put you at risk of developing one, especially if the family members are your parents.
Getting a heart ailment from a parent or relatives is more certain if they developed the complications when they were not very old; that is, below fifty-five years for males and sixty-five years for females.
- Gender
Heart ailments are more prone to men than women. Chances of women developing heart illnesses increase after they reach menopause.
- Age difference
The older you become, the higher the probability of developing a heart sickness. On aging, the possibility of your arteries tapering and weakening of heart muscles goes up. All these factors are ‘recipes’ for heart illnesses.
- Unhealthy diet
Including excess sugar and salt in your food is unhealthy for the heart of any individual. Also, eating food with high cholesterol levels contributes and aggravates heart disorders.
- Stress
Mismanaging or not controlling your stress, exposes you to heart disorders. Stress can affect the arteries or worsen the degree of a heart complication.
- Obesity and not exercising
Overweight and inadequate exercising is a big threat to your heart’s health.
- Unhygienic lifestyle.
Low hygiene levels can lead to different forms of infections that can cause you to develop heart illness. For individuals already suffering from heart ailments, poor hygiene increases your susceptibility to more heart infections. Poor dental conditions increase your odds of developing heart illness.
- Hypertension and diabetes
Individuals with these two diseases have higher chances of suffering from heart complications. Uncontrolled hypertension causes the arteries to be hard and thick, making the vessels to constrict, thus hindering the blood flow.
- Study shows that various chemo and cancer radiation curative drugs expose patients to cardiovascular ailments.
- Hyperlipidemia
Excess cholesterol in your body may cause heart illnesses. Exercising regularly and avoiding unhealthy lifestyles can reduce such a condition.
- Irresponsible alcohol intake can expose you to heart ailments in more ways than you can imagine.
- Smoking
Typically, the majority of the heart attack victims are smokers and not nonsmokers. Nicotine is the main pharmacological component in cigarettes that leads to constriction of the blood vessels. On the other hand, carbon monoxide destroys walls of the vessels putting the victims at great risk of getting atherosclerosis.
Other causative agents for cardiovascular illnesses are air pollution, lung infections, and sleep apnea.
Prevention and Living Tips That Reduces Exposure to Heart ailments.
In case you have any of the above heart defects, it’s not the end of the world since they are treatable and preventable. Below are health tips that can enable you to address threats on your heart’s health.
- Talking low amounts of sugar, salt, and fats
It is important always to mind the amount of sugar, salt, or fats that you take. Instead of using iodized salt, you can decide to use sea salt, which is more cardiac-friendly than your everyday table salt.
In some situations, supplementing sugar with lemon is another better way of reducing salt intake.
Avoid saturated fats by using healthy fats like olive and coconut oil instead.
- Quitting smoking is another crucial aspect that many people ignore. The components of cigarettes are not good for your well-being, and the only way to avoid them is by saying no to smoking.
- Individuals with other conditions like hypertension or diabetes, it is vital that you always keep them in check.
- Do manual exercises for a minimum of thirty minutes, several times every week. Exercising doesn’t necessarily imply that you must go to a gym facility, running, jogging, or walking works effectively too.
- Keep your stress levels in control or work on solutions to your problems. Stressing doesn’t only affect your social life but also your cardiovascular health at large.
- Always keep an eye on your weight to avoid obesity. Most obese individuals eventually develop a form of heart illness if they don’t maintain their weight. Regular exercise, health support, and other obese supplements do help with weight maintenance.
- Embrace a hygienic lifestyle. Healthful living involves basic hygiene practices like hands washing and washing fruits well before ingestion.
- It is important to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Always remember that how you live today may affect your later life. Thus leading a sedentary life can be fun now, but the following implications might not be fun. If you crave to live a longer and healthy life, its better you start now.
- Take more Water.Eight glasses a day! Can keep you hydrated enough to keep your cardiac health in check. If you spend more time outdoors, always carry some water to stay hydrated.
Conduct a Check-up regularly.
With health matters, you never know until you test. Plan a visit to the doctor every year to confirm the quality of your heart health. Look up stuff like your glucose amounts, blood pressure, cholesterol and levels.
During the visit, you can request your doctor tooffer more advice on how to maintain a healthy heart. Conducting a yearly checkup can help you intervene in time and reduce the likelihood of severe heart conditions.
Anyone 20 years and above should go for cardiovascular screening, even in the absence of signs. How regular you should go for testing depends on the possible threats and your current and past medical conditions.
After the screening, discuss the results in-depth with your doctor to know if you should start medication. The procedure for curing cardiovascular illnesses varies with the kind of disease.
Others will only require you to change your lifestyle, like changing diet, quit drinking or smoking, and exercising.
Some serious heart ailments will require a specialist to conduct surgeries, place balloons inside the blood pathways, or prescribe medications for you to take.
Aspirin is not an appropriate remedy for cardiovascular ailments
Most individuals utilize aspirin as a protective measurement for cardiovascular sicknesses, which is not right. No matter how effective it is, the fact that bleeding is one of its side effects outweighs all the advantages.
Individuals who still use aspirin to lower their cardiovascular illnesses should consult with their doctors.
In a nutshell,
Heart illnesses are a major threat to many potential lives today. However, with healthy living and regular exercise, you can reduce the chances of contracting these diseases in your lifespan.
Don’t ignore any heart discomfort, whether mild or severe, as it might be a cardiovascular complication that needs to be addressed. Always go for check-ups, follow up on medical appointments, and avoid a lifestyle that exposes you to an array of heart ailments.