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American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.®

Online CPR Certification Blog

What your Cough may be Indicating


Date: February 10th, 2016

When we cough it is our body signaling us that there is some sort of irritation in the airways. The cough could be the result of exposure to an allergen, it could mean we are about to get sick, it could be because we need a drink, and it could be a symptom of a chronic illness.

Common Cough Causes

There are literally hundreds of reasons why you might cough, but some of the most common reasons are:

  • A dry throat
  • Reactions to dust
  • Reactions to pollen

How Susceptible to Nicotine are You?


Date: February 9th, 2016

Nicotine is a very addictive substance. We all know that most people do not think they are going to get addicted, but once they start to smoke cigarettes they gradually go from smoking a couple of days, to smoke a couple of packs a day.

Some people seem to be able to smoke just a few cigarettes per day for long periods of time. These individuals often seem capable of doing without a cigarette without getting nervous or irritable. Other people seem to become severely addicted to smoking as soon as they light their first cigarette.

Grandma’s Smoking Increases Asthma Risk for Kids


Date: February 8th, 2016

The Study on Asthma Risk for Kids

More than sixty six thousand children in Sweden participated in the research study. At this time, only maternal grandmothers were looked at. Researchers have discovered that children who had parents who were born to a mother who smoked while she was pregnant are more likely to develop asthma. The gene that is damaged by smoking can be passed down from one generation to the next, even if the next generation does not smoke.

The Results

Women who had mothers who smoked while they were pregnant with them are more likely to have children who have asthma. If the maternal grandmother smoked while she was carrying the mother, then the grandchild will be between ten and twenty two percent more likely to suffer with asthma.

Can Beer Reduce Heart Attack Risk in Women


Date: February 7th, 2016

A recent research study conducted in Sweden at the University of Gothenburg reveals that women who consume two pints of beer each week have one third as great for a risk of having a heart attack as women who drink more or less than that amount.

The Study Alcohol Consumption of Women

The research was conducted using one thousand and five hundred participants. The researchers at the University of Gothenburg looked at data compiled over a fifty-year time span concerning the alcohol consumption statistics of women.

BLS Certification Is Important for Business Organizations


Date: February 6th, 2016

To grow a business, it is right potential need massive diligent work and duty to meet due dates before time. Taking care of weights, gatherings, meetings, measurements, overall revenues, expense issues, market investigation, and so on, encompasses the specialists unfailingly. Every single such issue causes different wellbeing issues, and one of the wellbeing issues is the heart failure. Businessmen and office workers are the most conspicuous casualty of the capture because of substantial weight and work weight and having an employee with BLS Certification can help save lives.

Does Smog Increase Organ Rejection Risk


Date: February 5th, 2016

People who receive lung transplants are at a higher risk of rejecting the new organ, and of dying if they live in areas that have more air pollutants than if they lived away from busy roads. The World Health Organization released data stating that people who live in places with higher air pollution were ten percent more likely to reject an organ after a lung transplant than people who lived in areas with a better quality of air.

The Study on Organ Transplant

Researchers recently conducted a study on five thousand patients who had undergone lung transplants. The time period for the study was between 1987 and 2013. The data collected in the study on the patients and their living environments was used to determine that the lung transplant patients who lived in high pollution areas were more likely to have difficulties with their transplants or die from complications after their surgery.

Workout Practices that make Psoriasis Worse


Date: February 4th, 2016

According to Delphine Lee, MD who works as a dermatologist with Providence St. John’s Health Center, it is more important for people with psoriasis to get proper exercise than it is for people without the skin condition. You may not know that people who have psoriasis tend to be overweight, or to become overweight. The added pounds cause the condition to actually be worsened and a vicious cycle begins.

People who have psoriasis have a higher than average risk of cardiovascular diseases and conditions. Exercising will help these individuals to maintain a healthy weight, and to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

When do Breast cancer Drugs help Infertility?


Date: February 3rd, 2016

Many people do not realize that the breast cancer drug letrozole, or Femara, is frequently given to women who are experiencing infertility due to a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. The women with polycystic ovarian syndrome were more likely to have successful pregnancies when they took letrozole than when they took clomiphene for infertility.

When the cause of the infertility was unclear, the letrozole did not have the same positive effects according to a study cited in the New England Journal of Medicine last month.

Tips on When to Keep a Kid Home from School


Date: February 2nd, 2016

All parents have had the mornings when they wake the kiddos up for school and one of them says they are sick, or threat they feel bad. At these moments, the parent is faced with the question of whether the child is too sick to attend classes, or if they could go to school and would likely feel better in a little while.

Parents feel guilty because if the child stays home they will likely need to hire a sitter, and if the child was not too sick to attend they have missed an important day in their educational instructions. On the other hand if the parent sends the child to school and the child is sick they risk being judged as a bad parent by school staff, and they risk exposing all of the other children at the school to an illness.

Fall Foods and Menopause


Date: February 1st, 2016

Menopause is a naturally occurring process that women go through as they age. Hot flashes, irritability, and other symptoms that come with menopause can be lessened by knowing what foods to eat, and what foods to steer clear of while you are going through “the change”.

By eating the proper balance of food you will gain a better control over your body’s needs. You will be able to control your hot flashes and thus live a little more comfortably during this time in your life.