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Online CPR Certification Blog

A Growing Rate of ADHD among American Kids


Date: March 11th, 2016

The growing number of kids with ADHD

There are a growing number of American kids that have been detected with ADHD or attention deficit hyperactive disorder, with the girls and Hispanic kids; they showed the highest rate of all according to the new study. It was revealed last December 8, 2015.  The researchers discovered that in the year 2011, there were an estimated 12% of the American kids ages 5-17 years old had ever been diagnosed with ADHD. This was up to 43% from 2003.  However, what is quite hitting the most is that the increase rate is among girls and Hispanic kids, according to the associate professor of the Washington, D.C. generally, ADHD has been one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders among boys, especially among white boys, and however, the said team of experts said that the trends are shifting through the years?

Why the FDA Warns of Ketoacidosis, UTIs with SGLT2 Inhibitors?


Date: March 10th, 2016

The labels must have warnings

Just last week, the FDA distributed a letter that explains the agency by adding warnings to the labels of the (SGLT2) inhibitors about the dangers of the drug that causes ketoacidosis and UTI, which might lead to hospitalization. The SGLT2 inhibitors are used to better manage those with type 2 diabetes. In relation to the concerns, the FDA suggests the patients who are taking the SGLT2 inhibitors for signs of ketoacidosis or UTI. Those people must also be taught how to determine the signs of ketoacidosis that may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, tiredness, harder to breathe and others. Moreover, they must also learn how to determine the signs of a UTI like burn sensations whenever they pee or the need to pee often and cannot control the urge. The pain in the lower side of the tummy area or the pelvis and if there is blood in the urine is just some of the signs that you have a UTI.

Why Blood Thinners and Diabetes Drugs do not live Together


Date: March 9th, 2016

The relation of blood thinners with diabetes drugs and risks

Last Tuesday, December 8, 2015, the Healthday News Wrote an article about the possibility that some medicines for diabetes do not match with the blood thinners for those with hypertension at the same time or heart ailments. According to the news, taking the blood thinner called Warfarin along with some diabetes medicines boosts the risk of being hospitalized according to a new study. This serves as a warning to the people with diabetes and heart ailments at the same time and was given the said drug along with a diabetes drug. According to the researchers who have analyzed the details of the 466,000 patients on Medicare, they have discovered that those who are taking Warfarin with the diabetes drugs glipizide better known as sulfonylureas had a 22% risk of being taken to the ER or be hospitalized for hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels.

Cancer Patients Will Benefit from the Online Monitoring Systems


Date: March 8th, 2016

How the online reporting tool can help the cancer patients?

Reuters Health has been asking the cancer patients to annually report some signs online to help in the improvement of their life quality and to possibly boost their survival rate. This is according to the new study. The researchers have discovered that the patients using a website to report the signs had a better life quality, they were also less likely to be brought to the ER, confined much longer and they tend to survive much longer than those who were just monitored by their doctors in the hospital.  According to Dr. Ethan Basch, they were asking the people with some of the strange signs that we may see across the advanced cancers like vomiting, diarrhea, loss of energy, weight loss, sleep problems and others. Some things that are very common, subjective and usually missed.

Is it True that Low Deaths in Infants is now Happening in the U.S?


Date: March 7th, 2016

Low mortality rate among newborn babies

The mortality in infant in America fell to the lowest level in 2014, this is according to the federal data, since one of the biggest risk factors for the death of infants, preterm births continued to decrease.  The infant mortality rates in the U.S have been high for quite some time now when compared to the other rich nations across the globe. However, after a current peak in 2005, the rates have been going down by 13% in 2013. In a report that was released by the Centers for the Disease Control and Prevention, the rate declined again in 2014, it went down by around 2.3% to a new low rate of 582.1 infant deaths in every 100,000 live births, this if from 596 in 2013.

Women with Type 2 Diabetes are more prone to Developing Coronary Heart Disease


Date: March 6th, 2016

Women with type 2 diabetes are at risk

If the woman has type 2 diabetes, they are more prone to coronary heart disease than men; this is according to the American Heart Association. Those with diabetes are more at risk of having a heart disease and then there is a previous study wherein they have discovered that women with diabetes have a dramatic increase of the possibility in developing a cardio problem when compared to men. In the report of the American Heart Association that was published in the circulation journal, they have claimed that women with type 2 diabetes may need to take more precautionary measures to lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. This includes being engaged in a faster and very intense physical activity, thus eating a healthy balanced diet can help. It can actually make a bigger change, especially in terms of controlling the possibilities of developing a heart disease.

First Aid Training Courses Can Help in Saving Lives


Date: March 5th, 2016

First aid training classes are permitting individuals to learn fundamental things about paramedical science. These courses give individuals, information that how to give legitimate treatment to harmed individuals. First aid training classes are extremely useful in keeping up the supply of therapeutic services to poor persons. This is extremely significant in sparing the individual’s life.  In preparing individuals discover that how they ought to handle distinctive kind of circumstances and how fast they ought to respond. As at the season of mishap or any setback, the most imperative thing is legitimate medical aid supply to patients.

Is it true that a Child with Allergies Have a Higher risk of Heart Disease?


Date: March 4th, 2016

There is a new proof associating asthma, eczema and hay fever among kids to a higher possibility of developing heart problems when they get old. The allergies can make the kids troublesome when they get older; however, scientists do believe that they can still have even more profound effects on health that may bring impact into their lives later on. According to the allergy journal of Dr. Silverberg, those who have asthma, hay fever and even eczema, which are the most typical allergy types among kids, have shown higher rates of obesity, high cholesterol levels and hypertension compared to those without the allergies mentioned. All of these are known as the risk factors for heart ailments and may show up later on in life.

Breast Cancer Survivors Acceded to Leukemia after the Cancer Treatment


Date: March 3rd, 2016

Cancer treatments lead in Leukemia later on in life

There are various cancer treatments that hit tumor cells; however, they can also create an impact into the normal and healthy cells. Because of this, the risk of developing leukemia later on in life is possible and the patient’s risk becomes higher. The therapy linked to leukemia is usually deadly; the primary cases are those who have survived breast cancer. The therapy related leukemia or better called TRL by the doctors is said to be because of the mutational happenings that activates through being exposed to cytotoxic drugs, which are often used during the cancer treatment. However, the researchers just don’t know how this happens and the risk factors are.

Family Doctors to Provide Different Plan for Varied Care Patients


Date: March 2nd, 2016

The role of family doctors in the society

According to the U.S family doctors coming into the professional world, they plan to give a wider type of medical services than the successors according to a new study. To be able to evaluate the alterations accompanied in the practice of those taking family medicine, the researchers studied the questionnaire data from the 3,000 doctors looking for certification for the very first time and those 10,000 renewing their credentials. When compared to those who were experienced in family medicine, those just coming into the field were more likely to report aiming to give a wider range of services that includes prenatal, orthopedic, cardiac care and even dermatology. New doctors in the field were also more suitable when it comes to offering home services or to see the patients in hospitals or in nursing homes.