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Online CPR Certification Blog

Higher risk of getting Celiac Disease in Children


Date: May 27th, 2017

Researchers say that if a toddler comes from a family that has a history of celiac disease, if it displays behavioral issues like aggression, sleeping trouble, anxiety and others, then it will be time for a celiac test.

Mothers of kids from families who had celiac disease reported seeing more negative psychological symptoms in their children than mothers who had kids who came from families without a history of celiac disease. This was in a study that was done on three to four year old kids to determine who was at higher risk of getting celiac disease.

How to Keep Your Toddlers Safe from Overdosing


Date: May 26th, 2017

A recent Canadian study has shown that mothers who take opioids prescriptions put their kids at risk of overdosing more than the mothers who don’t use them and instead opt for another class of self-prescribed painkillers. The papers explain the danger of keeping the opioids within the reach of the children. Such painkillers include oxycodone, codeine and methadone.

A co-author of the study Dr. David Juurlink who also heads Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto says that the drugs are very common in most households in North America, to the extent that the users don’t consider how dangerous they are to their kids. They can store the drugs carelessly in areas where the children can find them with ease.

Early Prediction of Autism Is Now Possible


Date: May 24th, 2017

Researchers have made a breakthrough that will help doctors predict the fate of infants who show specific changes in their brains. A child will therefore be able to receive the right diagnosis concerning the chances of developing autism. The growth of the brain will be monitored for the first two years, and an abnormal or overgrowth will help the doctors to make the right predictions.

Digestive Disorder In Children Indicates Lack Of Vitamin D


Date: May 22nd, 2017

Is irritable bowel syndrome and lack of enough vitamin D in the body related? Well, it seems so, at least that is what a new study by UMass – University of Massachusetts Medical School shows. As a result, Dr. Benjamin Nwosu, who is also a leading author and the associate professor of paediatrics at UMass said that Vitamin D should be supplemented in the diet of the patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. This study was published in the PLOS ONE scientific journal.

The February 7 Vaccine Letter to the US President


Date: May 20th, 2017

Championing For the Place of Vaccines in Society

Over 300 organizations, including AAFP, want the US government to increase public awareness about the importance of vaccines in preventing diseases. Going by the old adage that prevention is better than cure, the place of vaccines in healthcare needs to be more firmly established.

Losing Weight Months after Surgery Is Good


Date: May 18th, 2017

Life after Bariatric Surgery 

When a patient cuts weight 6 months after bariatric surgery, it is possible to achieve balance in blood sugar levels in two years. In fact, studies have shown that undergoing bariatric surgery works way much better in reversing type 2 diabetes, even than taking medication. While it may have to combined with other factors like an improved lifestyle, medication and exercises, bariatric surgery works. It is one of the ways in which patients can go off medication for diabetes type 2.

Children and Adults at Risk of Getting Flu


Date: May 16th, 2017

Flu-related health issues cause families pain in the United States. Many people mourn their loved ones every year, with flue claiming almost 50,000 lives every 12 months. The effect of flu is shown to cut across board, that is, between adults and children. The lack of information is what affects many people, sometimes even ignoring a flu attack and only going to hospital when it is too late.

Women’s Nightmare: False Breast Cancer Diagnosis


Date: May 7th, 2017

All You Should Know About False Positive Test Results

This article intends to help you understand basic well-researched facts about how women deal with false positives in breast cancer testing. First, it has been found that after a false positive, women often forget about visiting the doctor for the subsequent tests. They take almost five years before going back to the hospital. At this time, they may have developed cancer and it could be in its late stages, making it hard for them to survive. However, when breast cancer is detected early when it is still in the first stages, then it means that its spread can be arrested and put under control before it spreads much further. Wrong results could bring any required treatment into disarray and could eventually turn fatal.

Latest Information About Zika Virus


Date: May 5th, 2017

Yet Despite The Progress Against Zika

About one year ago, the CDC issued a travel advisory cautioning people about going to the Caribbean and Brazil on account of the Zika virus. Many businesses in the Zika affected areas suffered business losses. Brazil and the Caribbean have booming tourism business that adds a great deal to the GDP. When the travel advisories were issued, the Zika free tourist attractions like Hawaii experienced booming business.

Dealing With Type 1 Diabetes


Date: May 3rd, 2017

Diet and Physical Activity

It is important to be careful with the kind of exercise and carbohydrates amounts associated with type 1-diabetes. This will not only help in keeping the risk factors away, but it will help you stay on course to managing your Type 1 Diabetes if that is what you are looking for.

Type 1 diabetes patients and healthcare providers should watch what they do to control the disorder. Healthcare providers should recommend the right amount of food and exercise to patients.