Online CPR Certification Blog
All Risks Factor Increases for Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Date: February 13th, 2018
All Cause Mortality Risk Doubles For Type 2 Diabetes
German adults that have type 2 diabetes are two times more likely to die of any course that may come along compared to those without diabetes. They also suffer greater risk if they are not diagnosed at all. This is according to the analysis of registry data for people with type 2 diabetes.
How HPV Influence Women’s Attitude towards Safe Sex
Date: February 9th, 2018
HPV Vaccine Is Not an STI Prevention
A recent study by the US firm confirms that individuals vaccinated against HPV may still need to use other protective methods for safe sex such as condom use to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STI)
Recurrent Stroke Risk-Reduction Using Epilepsy Drug
Date: February 6th, 2018
Antiepileptic Drug Can Reduce Recurrent Stroke by 53%
A recent study conducted on around 12,000 patients revealed that epilepsy drug that contains (HDAC9) Histone Deacetylase 9 was linked to greatly reducing recurrent stroke by 53%. This is according to the information published in January Issue of Stroke.
The researchers from Welcome Trust Case Control Consortium found that there is an association between heightened risk of recurrent stroke and mutation in HDAC9. This results from large artery illnesses.
The Challenge of Dealing with Fast-Aging in Cancer Survivors
Date: February 2nd, 2018
Cancer Medications Causes Fast Aging
A recent study conducted reveals that cancer patients are faced with a challenge of faster aging due to the treatment they get. The patients are likely to develop complications related to aging while they are still young. Some of the Illnesses they might get to include the hormone disorder, heart diseases, brittle bone, and new cancers. The survivors are likely to become weak as the years go.
No Enough Evidence for Vitamin D Use during Pregnancy
Date: January 30th, 2018
Prenatal Supplements Lacks Evidence to Support Its Use
A study conducted by the researchers in the BMJ to analyze the necessity of recommendation on Vitamin D intake in pregnancy revealed that there lack enough evidence to support that. The already existing studies failed to provide the reason to use Vitamin D supplements during pregnancy. Vitamin D is known for maintaining calcium level in our body and to keep our teeth, bones as well as muscles healthy. This was the initial reason why it was recommended for pregnant women.
3 Benefits of Providing CPR Training to Employees
Date: January 2nd, 2018
Providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on time can triple the chances of a person surviving a heart attack. However, the importance of providing CPR training to the employees is often overlooked in organizations. While most corporations provide training to reduce the risk of injuries and accidents on the job, CPR training is usually not considered.
What is a BLS Healthcare Provider Certification?
Date: December 29th, 2017
Healthcare personnel should be always prepared to handle an emergency situation. They should update their knowledge about the right procedure to help a victim. The fast action of knowledgeable healthcare staff can help save lives of the individuals.
Why First Aid Certification is Essential for Flight Attendants?
Date: December 26th, 2017
Most people think that the responsibilities of flight attendants include greeting people and serving them food. While these are their main duties, but they are not the only ones. In fact, the profession of flight attendants was started to ensure the safety of the passengers. The first flight attendant hired in 1930 was a nurse named Ellen Church whose main job duty was to assist the persons in case of a medical emergency.
7 Risk Factors of a Heart Attack
Date: December 22nd, 2017
Heart attack is the leading cause of death around the world. The American Heart Association recommends that a person should assess the risk factors and try to keep them low to prevent heart attack. Here we have listed seven risk factors that can increase your chances of a heart attack. Knowing about the risk factors is important to manage the risk of a heart attack.
5 Warning Signs of an Imminent Heart Attack
Date: December 19th, 2017
More than half a million people die of a heart attack in the US every year. Both men and women are susceptible to heart attacks. Most people think that heart attacks occur out-of-the-bloom without any symptoms. The reality is that individuals who experience a heart attack experience certain symptoms that can wax and wane before the attack.