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Online CPR Certification Blog

Diabetes patients risks getting cognitive impairment


Date: March 20th, 2018

Cognitive Impairment Linked to Diabetes


Most recent studies show that older adults who have diabetes have a high chance of getting cognitive impairment as well as short life expectancy compared to those who don’t have diabetes. A recent estimate shows that diabetes has been associated with over 40% increase in chances of dementia among older Americans. Dr. Carlos from the Max Planck Institute for demographic research said that the precise physiologic pathways remain undetermined.

Excess weight during pregnancy risk one’s health


Date: March 16th, 2018

Alarming Number of Overweight Pregnant Women

Recent US official report suggested that pregnancy weight gain continues to rise especially in the United States. Less than half of the women who are pregnant have healthy weight before conception. This is an alarming trend that threatens the health of mothers who are pregnant as well as their babies.

Sugary Drinks Can Cause Obesity and Weight Gain


Date: March 13th, 2018

Sweetened Beverages Are Contributors to Obesity

It estimated that about 1.9 million adults, 18 years and older are overweight and that the worldwide obesity rate has tripled since 1975 to over 650 million. This is according to the report from the WHO World Health Organization. Recent studies on randomized controlled trials published in the Journal Obesity Facts included 30 new studies that were published between the year 2013 and 2015. Similar reports were also published in the journal of the European Association for the Study of Obesity.

Over diagnosis of Cancer Leads To Unnecessary Treatments


Date: March 9th, 2018

Too Much Screening Limit Real Cancer Risk Factors


The disadvantage of cancer screening is vast. Some tests such as PSA test for prostate cancer as well as mammogram test for breast cancer often show cancers that have no risk. These tests lead to over diagnosis and even harmful treatment. Screening for scrutiny-dependent cancers involves a lot of screening and what is found is harmless this report is according to Cancer Experts Report.

ADHD in Infants Linked to Parents Smoking in Pregnancy


Date: March 6th, 2018

Maternal Smoking Risks Baby’s Health


Women who smoked during their pregnancy have 60% risk of getting a child with ADHD as compared to women who don’t smoke. The risk was at 54% for the women who smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day. For those who are heavy smokers that are closed at 75% higher than those who don’t smoke.

Maternal Substance Abuse Increase Risks to the Unborn


Date: March 2nd, 2018

Maternal Drug Abuse Linked To Unhealthy Babies


A recent study shows that mothers who use substances or abuse drugs are likely to bear kids who are low in weight and have a wide variety of medical complications. In addition to this kids may have higher risk of getting long-term complications and event risk of mortality this is according to their studies that were published in the journal of The Pediatrics.

Why the Increased Use of Marijuana during Pregnancy?


Date: February 27th, 2018

Bhang Use by Pregnant Women on the Rise


There is an alarming number of women who are taking Marijuana when pregnant. This habit is increasing very fast among young adults and teenagers. This is according to the recent U.S. study. Among those individuals who are taking Marijuana are women of ages 18 to 24 years.

Calcium Supplements isn’t the Solution to Fracture


Date: February 23rd, 2018

Fracture Risk May Not Be Reduced By Vitamin D Supplement


Research shows that calcium and Vitamin D supplement might not reduce the risk of fracture. This research which was published in the journal the American Medical Association involved around 51,145 participants from 33 different clinical trials. There was not much difference in the risk of hip fracture for participants who used calcium supplement as well as Vitamin D supplements. This is compared to those participants who used a placebo or not any supplement at all.

Kidney Diseases Increases Diabetes Risk


Date: February 20th, 2018

Unhealthy Kidney Can Cause Diabetes


New studies have revealed that kidney illness can increase the risk of a person getting diabetes. For a long time now, the focus has always been about diabetes causing kidney disease but now people need to understand that the opposite is also true. That kidney problem can cause diabetes. Medical practitioners had already known that the opposite is true they just wanted to do further research to verify these findings.

Adherence Affect Type 1 Diabetes Control in Adolescent


Date: February 16th, 2018

Teens Relations and Type 1 Diabetes Management

A recent study suggests that young people with type 1 diabetes can manage stress and endurance of a disease by how well they relate to their peers. Peer helps each other to accept the condition of their disease and to follow up on the treatment plans. However, the attitude towards how their colleagues think about them can make them fail to follow the disease management plan, reports Diabetes Care.