The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.           

American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.®

Online CPR Certification Blog

Choking Claims More Lives than Shooting, Drowning or Fire-related Deaths!


Date: April 8th, 2020

Learning Choking First Aid Can Help Rescue More Lives

Choking is a condition that affects breathing by blocking air from entering the lungs as usual. It happens when an individual inhales a foreign object which blocks the airway either partially or fully.

When the airway blocks partially, the body experiences inadequate flow of air into the lungs. A fully blocked airway can be fatal if choking first aid is not administered immediately.

In this article, we will discuss all the facts about choking—known and unknown to many. We will address all FAQs about choking.

Choking is common during eating or drinking— and when it does, it prevents an individual from breathing normally and effectively.  This condition normally affects the respiratory system in the human body. It can cause medical emergencies such as cardiac arrest in young children.

Top 5 Reasons to be CPR-Trained


Date: April 5th, 2020

Did you know that an estimated 100,000 lives can be saved each year if cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is performed on time? The rise in cardiac diseases and other illnesses has made it important for people everywhere to learn to perform CPR.

Below are the 5 major reasons why everyone should enroll in an online CPR training program and sharpen their first aid skills.

United StatesPostal Service Jobs: The Key Points that you Should Know Before you Apply


Date: April 3rd, 2020

The best thing about the United States postal service jobs is that they are not stop-gap positions. In fact, each and every job is actually a complete career in itself. Once you get a job in the postal service, you will be able to enjoy a whole host of facilities that are not found in most private organizations.

But joining the ranks of the US postal service is not very easy because of the eligibility criteria for different position in the organization. You should be well aware of the individual requirements for the job that you want. Moreover,  you should know if you have a natural aptitude towards it.

The service invites applications through its online portal and you must be aware of the proper use of this portal. This is the best way to ensure that your application is picked up by the system and processed onwards. Let us take a look at some of the more common points that you should know before you decide to apply online for any number of US postal service jobs:

It is Possible to Improve the Quality of Your Life and Enjoy it To the Maximum


Date: April 1st, 2020

Improving Your Quality of Life

There are many ways through which it is possible for you to improve the quality of your life at a holistic level. Some of them include these easy to follow pointers:

Eating Healthy Home Cooked Meals Every Day

It is always a good idea to eat home-cooked food as much as possible. This is because such meals are designed to provide wholesome nutrition. Commercially produced food items, on the other hand, are manufactured for the express purpose of making a profit. 

You Should Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle to Enjoy Life to the fullest


Date: March 30th, 2020

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Many people hate the term ‘healthy lifestyle’ since it brings vivid images of eating only green leafy veggies and running countless miles every day. But it does not have to be this way at all. You can enjoy a very healthy lifestyle by simply making a few effective but very important life-changing choices.

Some of these choices include the following:

Life-Saving Techniques – What is Tourniquet and Why You Should Learn to Apply It?


Date: March 28th, 2020

Why You Should Know First Aid Techniques

If you know the right first aid technique for the right incident, you just might be able to save a precious human life. This holds particularly true whenever a person’s life is in grave danger and there is no one around to do whatever it takes to save that person. In fact, in most sudden medical emergencies such as violence or accidents, paramedics and other emergency medical technicians may be too far away to help.

In such a scenario, it is not always possible to wait for external help and you have to do something on your own, in order to make a difference. This is precisely why knowing what you should do and when you should do it is important. This knowledge can help you to keep a fellow human being alive until the real professionals take over. Let us take a look at a critically important first aid technique that can make a viable difference when the chips are down and no one else is around.

Learn CPR to take Action before First Responders Arrive


Date: March 26th, 2020

Importance of CPR

When it comes to responding to emergencies, prudence and training take precedence over courage. After all, jumping into a stormy river to save a life is all well and good only when you know how to swim and rescue a drowning person in the first place. Otherwise, you will become another liability for first responders. You should always remember that only highly skilled and well-trained professionals have both the equipment and the necessary fitness and training to get the job done. This is why your ‘no guts, no glory’ approach can land you into serious trouble.

However, if you know how to perform CPR and other such life-saving activities then, of course, you will be a great help and might actually keep a beloved friend or relative from leaving the world before their time. You will be able to play a part in keeping them alive at least until the EMTs (emergency medical technicians) secure the scene!

You Can Start Living A Healthy Life If You Truly Believe in Yourself


Date: March 24th, 2020

Believing in oneself is one of the keys to living a healthy life. If you have the willpower and the conviction to turn your life around, rest assured that nothing can come in your way. And you will be able to get back in shape, lose those extra pounds, and look and feel absolutely wonderful!

It Doesn’t Pay to Sweat the Sweet Stuff!

Sweets are full of processed white sugar, which is the arch-nemesis of a healthy lifestyle. These empty calories add nothing of value to the human body and do not even satiate hunger pangs. This means that after having a glass of cola full of white sugar, that contains 300 calories, you will still feel hungry enough to eat a 500 calorie meal. Thus, your caloric count will be 800. If you multiply this for three meals a day, then you will certainly have a problem.

Promote Health through Your Diet By Eating Nutritious and Healthy Meals Every Day


Date: March 22nd, 2020

Promote Your Health Through Your Diet

You are what you eat. This is an age-old adage that is as refreshingly true today as it has ever been in ages past. In fact, it is now becoming increasingly more relevant in the 21st century, because of the steady proliferation of junk food that is always within an arm’s length of desire.

If you want to order a pizza, simply download the relevant app and order one at the swipe of your fingers. It will be delivered to your doorstep within half an hour. You can also order shakes and pies the same way. Unfortunately, all of these food items are classified as junk food. This is because of the extremely high level of empty calories in a single meal. Many experts now consider pizza to be roughly akin to reverse liposuction. That is, instead of removing extra fats from your body you are actually putting them in!

How to Improve the Quality of Your Life? It Is Not Really That Difficult


Date: March 20th, 2020

Many of us go through life like automatons, programmed to get up to go to work, come back, eat and go to sleep. But this is not really living, but more of an existence in which you breathe in and breath out till your time is up!

This is why it is absolutely imperative that you improve the quality of your life in many subtle ways so that you can derive conscious joy from each and every moment. It is not really that difficult to do that, especially if you are really serious about it.