The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.           

American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.®

Online CPR Certification Blog

CPR Certification is Very Important for Everyone to Have


Date: December 12th, 2015

Getting a CPR Certification is a standout amongst the most productive ways one can enhance his or her shots of getting a job. This is because of the way that numerous services and different kinds of establishments don’t hire individuals who don’t have this record. The businesses are exceptionally strict on this endorsement given that the greater part of the patient with heart failure needs unique care so they can recoup at the earliest opportunity. It is accordingly fitting for all college students who have effectively finished the CPR Certification to guarantee that they get this accreditation.

The emergency treatment

Numerous individuals don’t recognize what to do if someone else is going to suffocate or gets a heart attack in their vicinity. This is because of the way that they have not experienced the fundamental service, and these lines can’t have the capacity to handle the patient as required. For one to get a CPR Certification, it is compulsory for him or her to go to all the essential classes and do handy to demonstrate that he/she can deal with patients.

Life spans for survivors of childhood cancer has been extended with improved therapies


Date: December 11th, 2015

Adjustments in treatment has increased the lifespan of survivors of childhood cancer significantly particularly in Canada and United States as a new research reveals.  The deaths among 5 year survivors fifteen years after the cancer has been diagnosed has halved since 1970s and this has essentially fallen from 12% to 6%. This was revealed after studying about 34000 people. About fifty years ago, only 20 percent of children survived cancer compared to the 80% of children who are alive today and five years after being diagnosed.

Long term health risks reduced

There has been a significant reduction of long term health risks due to changes in treatment as noted by the researchers and this also includes lung and heart problems as well as second cancers. The significant modifications that have been carried out in chemotherapy and radiation treatments have in particular been very beneficial as noted by the study authors.

Telemedicine and In- Person visits: Similar Antibiotic Rates


Date: December 10th, 2015

The researchers were keen to note that telemedicine consultations seemed to be associated more with use of broad spectrum antibiotics more frequently unlike in in-person visits. About a million people used devices such as Smartphones in 2014 to remotely engage with the physicians who were working for the telemedicine companies even though some few studies seems to compare in- person physician appointments with in- person appointments. A team of researchers currently evaluated the outcomes of about 1725 consultations by patients having acute respiratory infections at Teladocic, a big telemedicine company  and about 64, 099 consultations at the physician’s office using data collected between April 2012 and October 2013 for those aged 18 and 64 years.

Losing weight by 5% enhances the benefits of Arthritis drug


Date: December 9th, 2015

Treatment for psoriatic arthritis can be much more effective when those extra pounds are shed. For overweight persons, any weight loss comes with significant health benefits and for people trying to get their psoriatic arthritis managed, this could mean reduced symptoms much to their benefits. The severity of this disease can be greatly lessened when dieting is combined with the prescribed biologic drug rather than just taking the medication alone as reported by a recently published study.

During the study, a biologic drug was given to the participants and this one tends to block TNF-alpha effect, which is a protein for promoting inflammation and was later on followed by a diet for weight loss. When six months elapsed, those who had lost at least 5% of their body weight were noted to have better success when it came to getting their psoriatic arthritis controlled. The success achieved was proportionate to the weight loss levels achieved and seemed to be more successful for those with 10% or more loss.

Young type 1 diabetic patients found to have poor control of the disease


Date: December 8th, 2015

This poor disease control has increased the likelihood of the younger population to suffering complications in the future that could be brought about by the disease. When TID Exchange Clinic Registry data that had been collected for four years was analyzed, it became apparently clear that there was need to improve the outcomes of the treatment across all the age groups as well as the fact that diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycemia remained one of the most common complications associated with the treatment, especially when it came to younger and older patients.

Management of type 1 diabetes

Even though managing this disease at any age should be improved, it is very worrying as to how adolescents seem to be managing type 1 diabetes. In particular, this specific age group seems to be facing some unique challenges when it comes to managing diabetes and this ranges from hormone fluctuations, which affect control of blood sugar to the increased demands for diabetes self care at times as well as phases of going against the advise of their physicians and parents and this makes treatment of the disease a much more complicated affair.

Drugs aren’t the solution for brittle bones and broken hips


Date: December 7th, 2015

Medications for osteoporosis

According to a recently published research in British Medical Journal, drugs that are meant to boost the strength of bones, which have by the way made sales worth billions of dollars come with serious risks of side effects and are not in any way worth the cost. Drugs availed for osteoporosis, a condition associated with fragile bones that are vulnerable to breaking do not really do much when it comes to prevention of hip fractures, which is in fact is the disease’s most devastating consequence that the patients suffer. These drugs can’t mislead patients to think that they are on the road of recovery while the best thing they should be doing is to exercise, eat right and most importantly, stop smoking.

Obesity as a risk factor for common heart rhythm disorder


Date: December 6th, 2015

The risks of obesity or being over weight

Data was reviewed by researchers from 51 studies published previously and covered over 600000 people. They found out that obesity also increased the likelihood of the patients having atrial fibrillation to get complications after going through a surgical procedure for treatment of the condition.

As one of the senior researchers noted, a reduced likelihood of suffering from a heart rhythm disorder like atrial fibrillation could be highlighted as one of the health benefits that results from reduction in weight. He noted that reduction in weight for people who have already been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation has a likelihood of being very beneficial as well.

The Trainings and CPR Certification Needed in Today’s World


Date: December 5th, 2015

CPR Certification Training Requirements

CPR confirmation and emergency treatment preparing are the most known and received trainings acquire by the general public nowadays. Today, such medical aid trainings are given through online that get balanced in the very stiff schedule. There are no age requirements needed to accomplish medical aid classes by seniors, young teens, housewives, professionals, businessmen, officials etc. Still, even subsequent to dispensing with age gathering and altered time preparing timetables, there is only modest bunch of individuals guaranteed for the emergency treatment instructional classes. Understanding the prerequisites of the CPR confirmation along with the emergency treatment first aids is a must to know each and every point needed to accomplish the task successfully when needed.

Include your Pharmacist in your Healthcare


Date: November 24th, 2015

Things your Pharmacist can help you with

Reasons to use just one Pharmacy

We all see multiple doctors in our lifetime. We see our primary care physician, and specialists, and emergency doctors. These doctors do not always know what the other doctors are using to treat us, but if we have all of our prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy then our pharmacists can alert us when something that has been prescribed for us might interact with something else we already take.

Doctors make mistakes. They are human and they can forget an allergy you have, or they can write a prescription in the wrong dosage. Your pharmacist is capable of seeing the prescription, and possibly stopping you from taking something that could harm you.

Could Common Pain Relievers be lowering your Fertility?


Date: November 15th, 2015

Can Pain Relievers Affect Fertility Rates?

The Study of NSAIDs and Fertility

Thirty nine women of childbearing age who suffered from minor back pains participated in the study of the effect that NSAIDs have on fertility.

The women were given one of the three most popular NSAIDs on the market or a placebo.

The researchers wanted to measure the size of the ovaries in the women, the presence of follicles in the ovaries and the level of progesterone in their bodies. The follicles the ovaries produce are what release the eggs during ovulation. The progesterone is a hormone that is essential in ovulation. Without proper levels of progesterone, the fertilized eggs would not be able to attach to the interior lining of the uterus.