Online CPR Certification Blog
Why Paxil is Bad for Teens
Date: January 11th, 2016
Researchers are warning medical professionals, and parents and guardians of teens that Paxil may make the teens suicidal, or more likely to do physical harm to themselves.
The 2001 Study on Teens
Originally in 2001, a clinical study was performed that came to the conclusion that the drug paroxetine, the active ingredient in Paxil, was safe to be given to teens. Doctor John Nardo is a psychiatrist at the Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Doctor Nardo and a team of research specialist looked at the data that was used to reach the conclusion that paroxetine was safe to administer to teens and came to a completely different conclusion.
The Information you need about the Flu Vaccine
Date: January 10th, 2016
When people found out in 2014 that the flu vaccine they had received was not going to be extremely effective at preventing them from catching the flu they were disappointed. The Center for Disease Control says that in 2014 the flu vaccines had an effectiveness rate of less than twenty percent. Changes have been made to the vaccines so that in 2015 they can potentially prevent more cases of the flu.
What was wrong with the flu vaccines in 2014?
When developing the flu vaccines for the public researchers look at the strains of flu that are circulating in the spring of the year. Last year the strains of the flu virus that the vaccines were prepared to fight off changed during the flu season. That meant that the vaccines that were developed to prevent to flu were not effective for the types of flu that were being spread.
A Complete Guide about CPR Recertification
Date: January 9th, 2016
CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation is a medically formulated procedure performed in snippets of crisis to reestablish the typical cerebrum elements of a human who is under a heart assault. The strategy is performed to restore the heart capacity, breathing procedure and unconstrained flow of blood when in basic and convincing conditions like the cardiovascular assault. The system is polished by the prepared CPR Recertification holders upon people who are inert to the characteristic breathing process and have come in stages like the Agonal breath. What makes CPR the most life-sparing in light of the fact that it can even be performed outside hospitals? An enormous number of individuals have been urged to take in the practice through CPR online course because of its life saving ability.
Sending ER patients with chest pain home is a good idea
Date: January 8th, 2016
During the study, the study found that heart problems that are life threatening among patients having chest pains but with normal blood tests carry low risk. Even though most people are sent to the hospital emergency department near them due to chest pain, it is not necessary for most people to go through the expensive stay at the hospital as suggested by a new study. Recently released news showed that over 7 million people are sent to the emergency room every year with half of them being admitted at the hospital for further testing, treatment or observation.
Risk of stroke could also be raised by treated depression
Date: January 7th, 2016
In the research, the team found that those whose depression symptoms were severe had a double likelihood of having a stroke. Depression among older adults comes with a significant increase on the risk of stroke despite the symptoms of depression seemingly getting better as suggested in a new study. During the study, the researchers actually found that those having severe depression symptoms had double the likelihood of getting stroke compared to those who didn’t have the symptoms. During the first interview, those with symptoms had gotten much better by the time the second interview was done with the risk of getting stroke being 66 percent as reported by the study authors.
Depression in men linked to sleep apnea
Date: January 6th, 2016
In OSA, depression has been highly prevalent and has in fact reached 39% in clinic studies. A high risk of men depression has been linked to OSA- obstructive sleep apnea as researchers found in a large study done in Australia. The researchers assessed 1875 men who were aged between 35 and 83 years for depression on two occasions, about five years apart. In the past, severe OSA that was undiagnosed was linked to depression as reported in another study.
Even after various adjustments were made for waist circumference, age, relationship status, smoking, erectile dysfunction, noncturia and financial difficulties, the statistical significance tended to remain the safe. In OSA, depression is essentially highly prevalent and clinic studies have shown that it can reach to 39 percent. Few populations that were based on studies have already been done with the results being mixed.
How to ease COPD in 4 surprising ways
Date: January 5th, 2016
One of the most effective ways of easing COPD, both mentally and physically is by assisting others. Claudia Deyton found it very difficult to play the harmonica when she started as managing three notes prove quite difficult to manage. This was because of the breathing difficulties that were caused by COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The 72 year old woman from Austin, Texas said that she was unable to breathe in- between the notes.
But this is no longer the case as she can now play most of her favorite ballads in full such as ‘you are my sunshine’ and ‘oh! Susanna’. This is all thanks to the harmonica therapy, a common complementary therapy for COPD. This chronic lung condition is usually associated with breathing difficulties and affects over 12 million people in US.
Slightly overactive thyroid is associated to higher risk of fracture
Date: January 4th, 2016
Thyroid hormones tend to have a direct effect on the bone metabolism as well as increased thyroid function that could result in the bones having increased metabolic impact. In the study, the researchers found that even having a thyroid gland that is mildly overactive could result in an increased risk of fractures, particularly in the spinal area or around the hips. The condition of ‘subclinical hyperthyroidism’ involves the overactive thyroid gland producing a lot of hormones, which keeps the basic metabolism controlled even though there are no symptoms with the hormone readings being normal in the blood tests.
Statin can reduce the risk of liver decomposition among hepatitis C patients
Date: January 3rd, 2016
The researchers noted that the likelihood of such people dying in case they used statins for controlling blood cholesterol was much lower. The study involved US veterans being analyzed and in a different study, the statins were essentially linked to a much better response to treatment given for hepatitis C and consequently reduced liver cancer risk. Chronic hepatitis c virus infection has over the years resulted in a severe disease of the liver known as cirrhosis. This usually happens upon replacement of the functional liver cells by the scar tissue and this blocks circulation of blood. Another condition that is usually as a result of this is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is a kind of liver cancer. Eventually, some people tend to experience decompensation at a time when the liver fails to carry out vital functions and this result in symptoms like ascites, bleeding varices or hepatic encephalopathy.
The Importance of CPR Recertification in a Work Environment
Date: January 2nd, 2016
Online CPR recertification program
Certain companies are required to have workers who have CPR certification yet others can advantage an extraordinary arrangement by taking an online certification program or notwithstanding utilizing an online CPR recertification program for the individuals who have taken CPR classes and need to be recertified as per the new CPR rules. This is simple and helpful for any business and companies if they will give you a markdown on the quantity of representatives who train. Companies ought to urge all workers to get CPR certification as the expense is low, however the advantages can really be extremely valuable by sparing some person’s life. One never knows when such a strategy may be required, yet once a man knows the procedure, they are in a vastly improved position to help some person and possibly spare their life.