Online CPR Certification Blog
Overweight in Teens
Date: February 9th, 2013
The close to three decades research found out that obese and overweight teenagers of seventeen years of age had a likelihood of developing myriad kidney infections, three times more than the normal-weight individuals. This study that involved over a million people indicates that adolescence obesity increased chances of contracting the end-stage renal disease by close to seven times. Based on the study’s findings, overweight teens became obese adults with high susceptibility to chronic conditions like diabetes and stroke.
The study followed the studied individuals for more than twenty -five year. It indicated that of the overweight and obese teenagers investigated roughly stood up on seven times chances of undergoing a dialysis. Dialysis is a medical procedure used for the treatment of the end-stage kidney disease associated to extremely high body mass index (HBI). Of the 100,000 individuals tracked, cases of ESRD stood at 2.33, 6.09 and 13.5 for health, overweight and obese teenagers respectively.
The research considered teens with a percentile of eighty five to ninety five for overweight and those above the above the ninety fifth percentile in the BMI obese. While the study associated overweight and high Body Mass Index (BMI) with about six-fold risk of suffering from the Diabetic ESRD, obesity risks increased nineteen fold in cases of obesity. The risks for getting the Non-diabetic ESRD were at a rate of two and threefold for overweight and obesity respectively.
Chronic diseases and obesity/ overweight
The two weight conditions have for a long time been linked to the end-stage kidney disease; that is a complex and costly complication to treat. Though not directly linked to the infection as doctors believe, it heightens risks of high blood pressure and diabetic conditions that are known for damaging the kidney cells. Obesity and overweight could also lead to hormonal imbalances that could affect the normal functionality of the kidneys.
While the researchers only put cases of the kidney disease in to consideration in the non-diabetic individuals investigated, bodyweight associations remained. This can only suggest that too much fat in an individuals’ body may cause kidney complications more directly. Another explanation of the end-stage renal infection is the condition of high blood pressure.
Good news for obesity overweight reduction
According to the researchers in the study, obesity and its effects can be reversible. Modification of obesity may be through physical activities and adoption of good eating habits. It is recommended that you consume foods that are low in fats especially daily products as this can certainly cause reduction of various forms of ESRD. Modification is crucial as it also decreases morbidity and mortality cases linked to the chronic disease of the kidney.
While the above is good news, the researcher points out that obesity is not easily addressed. They point out that there is an association between teenage obesity and ESRD incidence years later.