Online CPR Certification Blog
Nearly 40% of kids in U.S are exposed to violence
Date: October 8th, 2015
Children in U.S are highly victimized
According to the report given by the researchers, children in the US are essentially the segment of population that is the most victimized. Unfortunately, the actual burden that this brings about is in most of the times missed due to the fact that numerous national crime indicators fail to include the children’s experience while some of them fail to look at the larger picture of it. This essentially includes all the various forms of violence in which the children are exposed to as the lead researcher, Finkelhor reported.
In comparison to 2011, this rate of violence appears to be relatively stable with some exposure to violence found to be decreasing. Even though the researchers noted that the rates don’t seem to be going up, the main problem is that there is way too much still that can’t be ignored. Between 2013 and 2014, the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence included phone interviews having contacts at the representative sample of the U.S numbers. In overall, the researchers managed to collect information on 4000 children who were aged not more than 17 years.
When undertaking the interview, issues of conventional crime, sibling and peer abuse, child maltreatment, sexual assault, witnessing violence to others, indirect violence expose as well as internet violence were raised. Exposure of the child to any one of these events over the past one year was determined by the researchers and in addition, the researchers were keen to find out who actually committed this violence, injuries and weapons used to perpetrate the violence.
Many kids physically assaulted in U.S
The interviewers found that nearly 37% of the kids have been assaulted physically over the past one year with this resulting in about 10 percent of the people being injured. Moreover, two percent of girls had been abused or assaulted sexually and over 4% of the girls were included aged between 14 and 17 years. It was also found that 15% had experienced maltreatment perpetrated by the caregivers. About 6% of them had also witnessed violence that happened between their parents.
The lead researcher noted that most of the incidents tend to happen within the family. And during the study and social service population, neglect is a major kind of maltreatment. Actually, this is very complex and considerable effort is needed for the surveillance data to be used in ways targeted as a ways of help determine the approaches needed to prevent and treatment the specific populations effectively. Childhood abuse and violence are among the major drivers that result in some serious social and health problems. Such violence has been associated with later suicide, drug abuse, mental illness, criminal behavior, chronic disease such as diabetes and mental illness.