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Childhood obesity could be the reason behind cancer in young adults
Date: June 15th, 2018
Cancer amongst the Youth could be enhanced by Childhood Obesity
Cases of obesity in children have continued to rise over the years, and a recent review has discovered that this could be a leading cause behind the development of cancer cases amongst the youth.
The study found that cancers that previously mainly affected individuals over 50 years were now being diagnosed in younger individuals more frequently. Out of 20 of the main types of cancer affecting the population, nine were found to be present in young adults. These included conditions such as thyroid and breast cancer that showed a significant presence in candidates aged between 20 and 44.
Obesity and Cancer
The Case Western Reserve University Center for Science, Health and Society’s director, Dr. Nathan Berger stated that obesity had been connected to cancer cases for a while now, and people suffering from the condition are likely to have a harder time with the prognosis should they acquire a form of the disease. The study author noted that these recent results also suggested that obesity could act as an accelerant towards the development of cancer, putting those suffering from these weight issues at more risk than others.
Though the researcher’s did not necessarily prove cause and effect in their findings, Dr. Berger highlighted the numerous cases of cancer that have been related to obesity over the years as an effective warning concerning a probable connection. Researchers in this field have established clear ties between obesity and 13 different types of cancer. Out of these 13, nine of them have begun showing a higher prevalence amongst young adults. Thyroid cancer leads the pack amongst young cases with 23.9%, followed by Meningioma with 16.8%, and Ovarian and Breast cancer with 10.6 and 10.5% respectively.
Extended Research on the Matter
Dr. Ligibel, Jennifer, a member of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute highlighted the need for continued research to take place regarding this relationship. While acknowledging the efforts of the latest review, she stated that there is still a lot of work to be done as not a large enough body of information has been collected at the moment. The leading Oncologist backed her claims by pointing out that obesity in the young adult population had risen rapidly, and the ramifications of that development have yet to be clearly identified.
Dr. Ligibel offered that more than just one factor might be behind the connection between obesity and cancer. The doctor noted related factors in the system that was caused by diabetes such as an increase to levels of insulin, growth hormones, and inflammations. Factors such as the particular diet involved in the equation could also play a role in the overall formation according to the oncologist.
Both Dr. Berger and Dr. Ligibel were in agreement that though a reduction in weight might not guarantee an individual they will not get cancer; it would significantly improve their odds regarding this matter. The experts cited the importance of trying to maintain a positive approach in relation to prevention measures that could be the difference between life and death.