The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for February, 2022

First Aid for Asbestos Exposure and Tips to Stay Safe


Date: February 28th, 2022

First Aid for Asbestos Exposure: 4 Things to Do
Science has made it clear that asbestos is a highly toxic element filtered through concrete buildings. Asbestos exposure is carcinogenic— meaning it can cause cancer, most prominently mesothelioma, which doctors consider one of the worst forms of cancer.

Mesothelioma has quite a long latency span (around 25– 50 years), making treating it quite a challenge. Soon after diagnosis, a victim is given a 12-21 month life expectancy.

Our body senses can’t easily detect asbestos, making it a menacing threat to human health. It has no smell detectable smell and doesn’t irritate the skin when in contact. What’s more, it can spread quickly through the air and can only be removed by specialists.

5 Ways Ending Binge Alcohol Drinking Will Improve Your Life


Date: February 24th, 2022

How Ending Binge Alcohol Drinking Will Improve Your Life
Alcoholism is a primary problem among youths and adults. For instance, drinking interferes with the learning process in students. Soon after an addiction, one develops habits like lateness, truancy, and aggressiveness.

These problems have a ripple effect on academic performance. Addicts also exhibit reduced interaction with people and may end up with many social issues.

FACT: Liver Cirrhosis is the 12th deadliest killer in the United States, and underage binge drinkers are the primary contributors to the growing number.

-World Health Organization (WHO).

Still, the idea of ditching your drinking buddies for sobriety and teaming up with new friends at a rehab center can be scary. Though switching to a drug-free life may seem like a difficult journey, that single decision can bring multiple benefits, as we are about to see.

Occupational Safety Hazards: Which Areas Should Your Workplace Focus On?


Date: February 21st, 2022

Understanding Health Hazards in Workplaces

A workplace hazard is any situation in the working environment that causes harm, damage, or health-related issues.

Examples of worksite hazards are:

  • Wet slippery floors,
  • Electricity,
  • Hard rock mining,
  • Chemicals like benzene,
  • Knives, and
  • Workplace bullying.

Health hazards in workplaces increase the likelihood of harm to all employees and their managers.

But the probability of the risk will depend on how exposed one is, means of exposure, and how severe the effect is.

Therefore, the Occupational Safety and Health Agency has come up with regulations to ensure employees’ rights at workplaces are upheld.

First Aid for Snake Bite: What are the Myths and Facts about it


Date: February 17th, 2022

First Aid for Snake Bite: The Dos and Don’t
First aid for snake bite is the emergency response procedure administered to people who’ve been attacked by reptiles.

Though reptile bites are dangerous and venomous, one is very unlikely to die of a snake bite in the US. Of all 45,000 bites every year, only a handful (5 to 6) lead to deaths.

Most bites occur when a victim tries to interact with the snake. According to studies, males (20 to 40 years old) are the major casualties, and these attacks happen after reckless behavior triggered by alcohol consumption.

Still, snake bites are threatening and require a swift response. This is because most snakes are venomous and a single encounter can be harmful if immediate action is not taken.

But besides being dangerous, snake bites are also one of the most controversial animal attacks, plagued by rumors from multiple sources. In particular, there’s lots of misinformation concerning first aid for snake bite and some are supported and encouraged by multiple sources.

A complete first aid course should cover environmental emergencies. Under this sub-topic, first-aiders should learn more about treating extreme heat and coldness, attending to bites/stings from insects, and remedying attacks from other animals, snakes included.

12 Reasons Accidents Happen at Work


Date: February 13th, 2022

12 Workplace Safety Mistakes to Avoid

With employee wellbeing becoming a primary concern in almost every sector, workplaces are safer than they were some time ago.

Companies are now investing in worker safety by assessing workplace risks and taking precautions to safeguard their teams. More firms are also prioritizing first aid treatment to improve the quality of emergency response.

Employers are increasing workplace safety awareness and equipping employees with skills and safety equipment to avoid common health hazards in their line of duty.

Worker wellbeing impacts the prosperity of an organization. Safety further depends on the regulations and culture in the workplace and the relationship between employers and employees.

There are several workplace safety mistakes to avoid to reduce injuries that could slow down a company.

7 Emergency Response Tools to Stock in Your Safety Room


Date: February 11th, 2022

Emergency Response Tools to Stock
Emergencies happen when we least expect, and the consequences can be as detrimental as loss of lives. However, preparing adequately for emergency response can help you deal with situations that can compromise or take away lives.
Every time an emergency happens, your priorities are to (1) look out for your safety and (2) help any casualties in need of help.
Do not focus on assisting a victim and ignore your safety. Remember, looking out for yourself is equally important because casualties need help, which you can only offer while you are in good shape.
Often, the best course of action is to help them relocate to a safer area before embarking on CPR first aid.

Heat-related Illnesses: Heat Exhaustion Vs Heat Stroke


Date: February 7th, 2022

Heat-related illnesses: Heat Exhaustion Vs Heat Stroke

Extremely high temperatures can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke. These conditions are known as heat-related illnesses or hyperthermia.

Heat exhaustion happens when a person’s body suffers from high temperatures. If heat exhaustion happens over a long period, the situation may worsen into a heat stroke, which can cause death if not treated.

This post will discuss everything you need to know about these conditions, the first aid measures, and how to prevent them.

Who is at Risk of Heat-related Illnesses?

Though anybody can feel the effects of high temperatures, some groups are more vulnerable than others.

Those high-risk groups include:

  • Kids under 4 years
  • Grownups beyond 65
  • The mentally disabled
  • People with diabetes
  • Those suffering from heart conditions

People living in metropolitans may also suffer heat stress because roads and houses absorb heat during the day and release it during the night, causing extreme temperatures.

Other high-risk groups are those taking specific medicines such as:

  • Antidepressants
  • Ecstasy
  • Supplements
  • Blood pressure prescriptions,
  • LSD

That being said, let’s go through the stages of heat-related diseases, how they can affect your health, and the first aid interventions.