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Archive for June, 2021

Can Poverty Trigger Extreme Behavior Problems in Early Childhood?


Date: June 5th, 2021

Childhood behavior Problems: Is Poverty Be a Contributor?

Character flaws are natural until they get extreme and affect how your child relates with the world.

Your kid’s early life is a “sensitive span,” and all experiences have a significant and lasting effect, so parents must focus on childhood behavior problems.

Childhood poverty has a deleterious effect on a kid’s behavioral and intellectual development than it does later in adolescence.

In a longitudinal study, household poverty during early child life resulted in low accomplishment at school (between ages 6 to 12); once poor early child-life earning was considered, household income throughout the years of schooling wasn’t related to success.

And it’s hard to deny that success and behavior go hand in hand. Being a troublemaker both at home and school, stealing stuff here and there, extreme violence, etc., are signs your child needs help with their character.

Cases of kids diagnosed with severe misconduct disorder even at tender ages can be confusing to parents who understand less about child psychology.

And while many other factors could lead to childhood behavior problems, past and present studies have strongly cited poverty as one of the primary factors.

This can happen either directly, such as theft, because they lack whatever they need or indirectly through poverty-induced motherly depression, which affects parenting or causes a ripple effect on the child.