The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for December, 2020

Mitigating Heat Stress in the Workplace: Tips for Employers & Employees


Date: December 31st, 2020

Heat Stress in the Workplace & its Effects on Employees

Job-related heat stress is a major contributor to heart-related ailments and deaths worldwide. According to CDC stats, over five million individuals in the USA suffer from work-related heat stress, and thousands of them lose their lives per year.

Heat stress in the workplace doesn’t necessarily imply sunlight related stress; it can arise from hot working environments and other factors like operating in departments with extreme temperatures, heavy tasks, or poor ventilation.

Agencies such as NIOSH and OSHA have laid strict laws that govern workplace heat stress management and develop ways to ensure heat safety.

Over-the-Phone CPR: Can Taking CPR Instructions from a Remote Dispatcher Improve Bystander Performance?


Date: December 25th, 2020

Can Telephone CPR Instructions Help Save More Lives?

For passersby who’ve never attended CPR training, the best you can do if a person collapses near you is call 911.

Word is going around that there’s a way a passerby can save a victim’s life by applying over-the-phone the instructions from a remote dispatcher. But what is the accuracy of telephone CPR instructions (T-CPR)? Is it as helpful in saving lives as proposers say?

Well, its effectiveness is a concern because human lives are at risk, put aside the fact that the bystander might be you, and the victim your loved one.

What Makes a Competent Workplace Safety Manager? Learn the 7 Tiptop Qualities


Date: December 17th, 2020

What Makes a Competent Workplace Safety Manager?
Safety management can be a challenging job if you lack the right qualifications, knowledge, and expertise.

This job requires dedication, and the knack to adhere to stringent standards, and deal with more than uncooperative workers. To succeed, you must meet all requirements by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration.

A workplace safety manager facilitates the prevention of any possible accidents while promoting safe and healthy surroundings in a working environment. Their work is to develop policies and ensure all workers abide for a conducive, accident-free, and healthy workplace.

To do so, they need to pinpoint all potential threats an organization may face and find ways to remedy them while improving the existing working conditions.

How the Hazard Communication (HazCom) Standard Ensures Chemical Safety in Workplaces


Date: December 12th, 2020

The Hazard Communication Standard & Chemical Safety in Workplaces.

Clear communication is key for any form of interaction and hazard prevention.

The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS/HazCom) has helped facilitate effective communication during the handling, transporting, labeling of hazardous materials since 1983.

HCS’s main objective is to offer procedures and rules to help identify hazardous chemicals, their effects on people (both safety and health), and the most appropriate ways to prevent further exposure, infection, or illness.

This standard is set by Occupational Health and Safety Administration, OSHA, the agency that oversees safety and health in all working environments across the US.

What Exactly Is Hazard Communication?

Managers and employees dealing with chemicals encounter several physical and respiratory health dangers every day. Some of these dangers include; irritation, burning, and corrosion.

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard has helped to reduce such instances by laying down rules that producers and shippers must follow to evaluate and mitigate the dangers associated with the chemicals they handle.

How to Select Good Oxygen Cylinders and the Important Features to Consider


Date: December 6th, 2020

How to Choose Good Oxygen Tanks and Cylinders

Oxygen is a fundamental element for many purposes, ranging from physiological, industrial, medical, and aerospace usage. A person can hardly survive four minutes without this important element in their blood.

Good oxygen tanks and cylinders are vital tools for both out and in-patient medical centers. Some cylinders are portable, allowing patients with breathing difficulties to take them at home for supplemental or constant oxygen supply.

Types of oxygen tanks.

Oxygen stored in tanks can be in liquid form, compressed, or in concentrators. Whichever type you want, it’s best to know their primary features, uses, and the most suitable for your needs.

Reviewing the best AEDs in the Market and Analyzing Storage Methods


Date: December 1st, 2020

Picking the Best Automated External Defibrillators for Home, Public & Office.

Today, AEDs are not only handy in public areas, offices, institutions, and airports but also in homes and cars too.

With the constantly advancing technology, this essential medical tool is transforming to an easy-to-use and safe gadget for any would-be lifesaver.

An AED is an equipment designed to quickly remedy sudden cardiac arrest victims by shocking their erratic heart rhythm back to usual state.

Anyone with AED knowledge, even bystanders can utilize this tool in case of sudden cardiac arrest (SDA).