The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for June, 2020

The World’s Health Security Defenses Were Not Ready for the 2019-nCOV.


Date: June 30th, 2020

A Health Security Index shows Lack of Preparedness EvenThough COVID-19 is Similar to Past Worldwide Pandemics

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shaken the world, causing millions of infections and thousands of deaths. Since the outbreak, the virus has become the sticking pointin most affected countries putting to test the effectiveness of their health security systems.

The disease was first recognized in the year 2019 within the People’s Republic of China and has since spread and affected most parts of the world. It is characterized by flu-like symptoms, which can worsen, causing a respiratory failure that may result in death.

An infected person can also develop fever, diarrhea, and sore throat, accompanied by severe aches and pains. These symptoms are mild and frequent in common ailments such as Influenza. However, respiratory difficulties are more extreme when it comes to COVID-19.

The Corona Disruption: Nations Take Different Approaches to the CPR Issue


Date: June 21st, 2020

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation during COVID-19

A lot of heat hassurrounded cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) since coronavirus hit the world with health institutions moving to protect healthcare workers at the expense of patient lives.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), is an emergency treatment that aims at restarting a human heart. It helps one to start breathing and reduces the risk of death.

The CPR process involves activities such as chest compressions that aid in pumping blood around the body, and the famous ‘kiss of life’, also known as rescue breaths, that are done to supply the patient’s lungs with oxygen.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health officials have advised all medical personnel not to get close to their patients to avoid contracting the virus. This led to the abolishment of many CPR procedures (like mouth-to-mouth) due to the risks of contracting a disease when attempting to save a life.

Push Or Persuade: A Walk Down Memory Lane To Investigate The Effectiveness Of Quarantine.


Date: June 18th, 2020

Is Quarantine the Key to Coronavirus Disease?

COVID-19 or the Coronavirus disease is the illness caused by the deadly corona virus commonly known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was identified for the first time in the city of Wuhan, in the Republic of China, during an outbreak of a respirational illness.

The disease has been spreading since then, with an increasing number of infections reported in many corners of the world day after day.

The symptoms can start with a fever, coughs and sneezes, and severe headache. These symptoms are mild and common in both flu and common cold. However, the headache and fever is severe in the case of COVID-19.

It spreads from one person to another through droplets of body fluids, which could be passed when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Other ways of transmission are through contact such as kissing.

The disease has spread in most parts of the world affecting almost everything globally. It has been considered a global COVID -19 pandemic in the early stages 2020. The transmission of the disease is still on the rise, and no appropriate medication has already been discovered so far.

Protective measures to take when performing CPR on Covid-19 victims.


Date: June 13th, 2020

Before Performing CPR on Covid-19 Patients, It Is Important to Know the Signs and Symptoms of the Virus.

Coronavirus is an acute respiratory infection that can be transmitted from one person to another through contact or respiratory droplets from an infected person. The virus is highlycontiguous, and as the number of infected persons increase,performing CPR on Covid-19 patients is essential in preventing deaths.

COVID-19 has spread in most parts of the world affecting all major sectors. It is a pandemic that affects cultural, social and economic events all over theglobe.

It is believed that the virus came from a certain animal then transmitted to humans. When someone contracts SARS-CoV2, it will take 3-14 days for the manifestations to start appearing. Victims of this virus show flu like manifestations that range from normal to extreme.

Coronavirus patients have symptoms like dry coughs, fever, tiredness, sore throats body pains and sometimes, nasal congestion. Also, coronavirus victims may experience difficulty in breathing. Other signs of the virus are diarrhea, headaches, loss of taste and smell, blue lips and nausea.

Do Not Resuscitate: Hospitals Taking Extreme Measures to Protect Healthcare Workers


Date: June 8th, 2020

Hospitals Protecting Doctors form Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Techniques Amid Corona

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the act of reviving a patient from apparent death or unconsciousness by administering chest compressions, rescue breaths among other complex procedures. You have to make contact with the victim to administer it—which was no problem until coronavirus came.

The coronavirus is an airborne infection that spreads through the air and when one comes into contact with an infected person’s body fluids—e.g. when they cough.

The concern for bystanders, doctors, nurses and other medical personnel now is that a willing lifesaver could accidentally contract coronavirus (if the victim was infected). So now the big question is; do we issue Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or not?

The hospitals at the forefront of dealing with the global covid-19 pandemic have indulged in heated private discussions over the best ways to go about Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Their goal is to ensure that lifesavers are not exposed to the danger of contracting the infection while saving the lives of the patients.

This is a hard decision to make, especially by medical professionals who must operate within laws, and still protect themselves and the general public from such a contagious disease.

Automated External DefibrillatorVs. The LUCAS CPR Machine


Date: June 3rd, 2020

CPR first Aid: Understanding the Difference between an AED and The LUCAS CPR Machine

CPR first aid consists of the application of rescue breathing as well as chest compressions. Compressions should be the initial step. If the person is skilled and confident, then mouth to mouth resuscitation can be carried out.

The technique assists in reestablishing the unconstrained flow of blood. CPR improves the chances of survival when it occurs on time and appropriately. The process is vital as it helps in averting tissue damage due to lack of oxygen.

The use of defibrillation is another essential process that should occur during an incident of cardiac arrest. It is the action of applying an electric current to restore the normal rhythm of the Sino-atrial node.