The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for December, 2018

4 Important Wilderness First Aid Tips


Date: December 28th, 2018

A trip in the wilderness can have various situational hazards that are not normally encountered in urban settings. Wild animals, rockfalls, icy surfaces, and bad weather are some life-threatening hazards faced in the wilderness.
Wilderness first aid addresses potential hazards in areas where emergency medical services (EMS) are not readily available. In this post, you will learn about important wilderness first aid tips to adequately address different types of medical emergencies.

1. Bleeding

Most types of bleeding can be stopped by elevating the wound above the victim’s heart and applying pressure on the area. You should always wear gloves to avoid contact with the blood. Consider stocking three or four pairs of gloves in the first aid kit to deal with multiple injuries.

4 Important Skills Your Kids Should Learn


Date: December 25th, 2018

Every parent wants their child to succeed in life. And most have complete trust in schools to equip their kids with necessary skills.

But the fact is that there are many important skills that are not taught in schools; it’s up to parents to teach their children those skills.

Here are four critical skills that you should teach your kids to ensure that get ready to face any situation that they confront, and succeed in life.

1. Critical Thinking Skills

Most schools don’t teach critical thinking skills to students. You need to teach your kids to develop this important skill. Creativity and inquisitiveness should be encouraged. Tell your kids to examine problems, get to the bottom of things, and find solutions. Give them hypothetical questions to solve on their own. Help your child come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Five Things for an Office Emergency Kit


Date: December 21st, 2018

Every business owner should have an emergency kit containing essential items. Assembling a workplace emergency kit is important for all companies regardless of the size and industry.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Small Business Administration recommends that companies stock the emergency kit with certain must-have items.

Here, we will inform about the most important items that should be included in every office emergency kit. Companies that go the extra mile to ensure the safety of employees will create a sense of security within the workplace, which will result in increased job satisfaction and productivity.

It’s Important You Get CPR-Certified in 2018


Date: December 18th, 2018

Getting CPR-certified is no small achievement. A first-aid CPR certification will offer many benefits beyond the ability to save lives. The fact is that cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the US.

Around one in four deaths in the country occur due to a heart attack. Obtaining CPR and first aid certification online will enable you to provide immediate assistance to a heart attack victim.

In this post, you will learn about the importance of getting CPR-certified in 2018.

How to Stay Safe In Case of a House Fire


Date: December 14th, 2018

House fires cause great devastation. They can happen to anyone at any time. Nearly 11,000 residential fires happen every year in the US alone. While just thinking about a house fire can be a scary prospect, it’s important to prepare yourself in the event the unimaginable happens to you.

Here you will learn what you should do in case of a house fire in order to remain safe.

1. Cover Your Face With a Wet Shirt

Most deaths in case of a residential fire occur not due to the fire, but because of the smoke. Asphyxiation or death by suffocation is the biggest threat in case of a house fire.

How to Prevent Your Baby from Choking?


Date: December 11th, 2018

Choking is one of the most common causes of infant deaths. More than 15,000 infants and children enter the emergency department every year for chocking-related incidents.

As children explore their environment, they are bound to put objects in their mouths that can increase the risk of choking.

Here are some tips that can reduce the risk of your child from choking.

1. Keep Small Items Out of Reach

You should keep small items out of children’s reach. Keep in mind that any item that is smaller than a D-size battery represents a choking hazard for a child.

What is the Chain of Survival?


Date: December 7th, 2018

A heart attack victim has little chances of survival unless immediate medical assistance is provided. The victim should be offered assistance in a certain order.

This is known as ‘chain of survival’. What exactly is involved in the chain of survival? How does it help a heart attack victim? You will know the answers in this article.

The Chain of Survival: An Overview

The concept of chain of survival has an important bearing when it comes to saving the life of a heart attack victim. It was introduced in 1991 when the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Subcommittee and the Emergency Cardiac Care Committee published an article titled: Improving Survival from Sudden Cardiac Arrest: The Chain of Survival Concept.

How can Walking Daily Benefit the Heart


Date: December 4th, 2018

Walking can have a positive effect on the health of your heart. Regular walking is a simple yet effective way of reducing the risk of deadly heart attacks. In this post, you will learn about scientific backed benefits of walking, particularly for the heart.

Also, you will learn some tips to benefit the most from this exercise.

What does Science say About Walking and Heart Disease?

A lot of studies have found a positive relationship between walking and heart health. One study that was published in the Asian Journal of Sports Medicine stated that walking had a significant linear trend in systolic and diastolic blood pressure over time.