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Archive for September, 2018

Promising blood test likely to help you know your pregnancy due date


Date: September 28th, 2018

You May Tell Your Pregnancy Due Date Using A Blood Test

Women who have once given birth will tell you that most babies are never born on time. In fact, there are past studies, which have determined that only 5% of newborns are actually born on the days when they were expected.

Tonsils removal increases risk to respiratory infections


Date: September 25th, 2018

Think Twice Before Removing Those Tonsils in Your Child

The essence of removing tonsils during childhood is to ensure that your child does not experience breathing problems and that you also get rid of chronic earaches.

However, doing that may potentially get them in even bigger problems with the likelihood of developing respiratory infections.

According to a study led by Sean Byars, you expose your child to “long-term risks of disease, especially respiratory and allergic infections, for as long as 30 years once the child undergoes a surgery to remove tonsils.”

Infant formula can lead to childhood obesity, study shows


Date: September 21st, 2018

What Your Child Eats Affects Later Weight

Mothers who prefer feeding their children on formula rather than breastfeeding them may be placed on high alert with this new study. According to the research, babies who had been breastfed were found to have a different bacterial environment in their guts compared to those who relied on formula.

Past studies have already proven that obesity begins at an early age and that breast milk is one of the healthiest sources of ingredients for your little one. Children who are breastfed tend to have a lower risk of obesity in adulthood.

Properly controlling type 1 diabetes leads to lower cognitive decline


Date: September 18th, 2018

How Can You Minimize Effects of Type 1 Diabetes?

Joslin Diabetes Center carried out research with the intention of determining what extended Type 1 diabetes duration can do to one’s cognitive function.

The researchers came to the discovery that decreased cognitive ability could be spotted in patients aged 50 years and above.

Too much lead in the blood associated with increased risk of ADHD


Date: September 14th, 2018

Boys More Vulnerable to Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) than Girls

In a study conducted by a team of scientists under the leadership of Xiaobin Wang, MD, MPH, ScD, the director of the Center on the Early Life Origins of Disease in the Department of Population, it was established that individuals who have higher levels of lead in childhood blood have higher chances of developing ADHD.

Asthmatic kids receiving flu shorts are less likely to go the emergency rooms


Date: September 11th, 2018

Asthma with flu for kids is dangerous

A new study was published in the Pediatrics explaining that for you to keep your asthmatic child out of the emergency room, it is necessary to have her receive a flu shot.

This study was done by the University of Montreal researchers who found that there is a high possibility that asthma treatment may fail when your child has the flu.

According to the study’s co-author, Francine Ducharme, “It is already established that if these kids happen to get the flu, the face the highest risk of failed treatment in the event of an abrupt asthma attack.”

Research associates poor sleep to harmful eating habits and diabetes


Date: September 7th, 2018

Lack of Enough Sleep is Harmful to Your Health

Individuals who suffer from sleep deprivation have been found to record the highest cases of late-night snacking. Well, waking up from time and again for a trip to the fridge is not harmful. However, making it a daily habit poses great dangers to your health.

A study conducted last year had already established that when you eat past bedtime, you put yourself at the danger of damaging your skin. This is so since you alter the production of the protective enzyme.

Children with rare cancer can benefit from extended chemo


Date: September 4th, 2018

Chemotherapy Helps Extend the Lives of Children

Researchers found that after low-dose maintenance chemo was added to the initial treatment of the rare type of cancer for six months, the survival rate of children with this condition increased from 74% to 87%.

Essentially, these children with rhabdomyosarcoma are cured since the possibilities of cancer recurring is significantly low.