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Archive for January, 2016

A new trick for early detection of ovarian cancer


Date: January 1st, 2016

My mother visited her gynecologist when she was in her late thirties after missing her period, after which she develop a pain inside her that was sudden and very sharp. After initial examination, some blood tests were run. At first, it was believed that she was pregnant or was having an ectopic pregnancy since the tests done on the blood showed that pregnancy hormone HCG was in very high levels. However, there was no pregnancy in the diagnosis. When an ultrasound was taken, it showed that rather than having a baby, there was a benign growth in one of the ovaries known as teratoma. When surgery was performed immediately, she was left with just one ovary that was ‘good’ which her gynecologist followed very closely. The only good thing is that she wasn’t diagnosed with ovarian cancer.