The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for July, 2015

Symptoms of the exposure to the allergen.


Date: July 31st, 2015

Under the tongue hay fever medications

In Europe, under the tongue medications are used more frequently than the allergy shots. Patients like the idea of a painless way to receive their allergy immunity, but recent research may indicate that this alternative method may prove to be less effective at hay fever relief.

Melanoma is becoming increasingly common


Date: July 30th, 2015

Will Drinking OJ Increase your Risk of Melanoma?

How does Citrus Increase Melanoma Risks?

Melanoma is becoming increasingly common, even to people who have no heredity of cancer. But does one need CPR and first aid certification to take care of a person with melanoma? Of course, because advanced cancer comes with many complications. Now … back to melanoma …

Citrus fruits contain photoactive chemicals that make the skin more sensitive to the harmful rays of the sun. The two most common photoactive chemicals found in citrus fruits are psoralens and furocoumarins.

Include your Pharmacist in your Healthcare


Date: July 29th, 2015

Reasons to use just one Pharmacy

We all see multiple doctors in our lifetime. We see our primary care physician, and specialists, and emergency doctors. These doctors do not always know what the other doctors are using to treat us, but if we have all of our prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy then our pharmacists can alert us when something that has been prescribed for us might interact with something else we already take.
Doctors make mistakes. They are human and they can forget an allergy you have, or they can write a prescription in the wrong dosage. Your pharmacist is capable of seeing the prescription, and possibly stopping you from taking something that could harm you.

Can Fear be a Disease Symptom?


Date: July 28th, 2015

Managing Illness Related Fear

Fear can be debilitating. It can stop you from making the progress you need to make. There are a few things you can do to try and help yourself manage illness related fears.

Important Tips from Nurses about Doctors at Hospital


Date: July 27th, 2015

Want the Scoop? Ask a Nurse!

If you want to know which procedures are not really necessary, which doctor is never on time, which hospital is the dirtiest, cleanest, or highest charging, then ask the nurses. Nurses see it all, and they usually keep all of the secrets. They are armed with some of the juiciest details available.

Do Migraines Increase Cardiovascular Risks?


Date: July 26th, 2015

The study on migraines and heart disease

Researchers actually used two studies to determine what, if any, connection there was between migraine headaches and heart disease risks. The original study had twenty thousand migraine sufferers participate and fifty five thousand individuals who had no instance of migraines. For the second study, twenty one thousand people with confirmed heart disease participated, and sixty three thousand people who had no diagnosis of heart disease participated.

Could Vitamin B12 Cause Acne Outbreaks?


Date: July 25th, 2015

Vitamin B12 and the Human Body

Vitamin B12 is very important to the human body. Without sufficient amounts of Vitamin B12 people can develop conditions like anemia, neurological problems, trouble with their eyesight, tingling sensations in their extremities, cognitive problems like memory loss, and trouble digesting foods properly.

Test for Early Detection of Head & Neck Cancer


Date: July 24th, 2015

Potential for Early Diagnosis

Researchers from John Hopkins University have found that DNA in patient’s blood samples and saliva samples may indicate cancerous tumors in the head and neck. The researchers feel hopeful that this discovery will provide the healthcare professionals with the ability to detect malignant tumors in the head and neck earlier, and thus increase the chances of the patient having a full recovery from the disease.

Kids in U.S. need to Increase Water Consumption


Date: July 23rd, 2015

The Study on health

Four thousand children were studied between 2009 and 2012 by the United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Researchers at Harvard looked at the results of that study to determine how many of those children were taking in adequate amounts of daily fluid, and what effects the lack of proper hydration had on the children in short term, and in the long term.

Clogged Artery Images help Patients Change


Date: July 22nd, 2015

The study on the benefits of showing patients their clogged artery images

One hundred and eighty nine heart patients who had been recently diagnosed with early stage coronary diseases were used to determine if visually seeing the images of their clogged arteries would make any difference in how well they followed the treatment plans devised by their cardiologist.