Archive for August, 2014
When patients are harmed by alternative cancer therapy
Date: August 11th, 2014
A series of highly intense therapies were being used to treat him for Hodgkin’s disease that had progressed to stage 2 which included German enzymes, Mexican naturopathy, Chinese herbs and the American antineoplastins.
What doctors don’t usually reveal about blood tests
Date: August 10th, 2014
The typical blood tests comprises of the CBC or complete blood count where the numbers of white and red blood cells in the blood are measured and other numbers such as hemoglobin. A blood test can help to uncover anemia, blood cancer and other infections.
Learn how ovarian cancer is treated
Date: August 9th, 2014
Other factors that must be considered when a treatment for ovarian cancer is being chosen besides the stage and grade of the cancer include your age, health and your quality of life. There are numerous research studies being conducted in efforts of finding the best treatment for ovarian cancer.
Hemorrhoids a major cause of anal pain and discomfort
Date: August 4th, 2014
Hemorrhoids are tissue swellings or lumps in the anal area caused by the enlargement of blood vessels. They are very common and are related to pressure stresses in the anal cavity. There are two types of hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.
Why your constant pains could be sciatica-related
Date: August 3rd, 2014
Lower back pains are very common, especially in the old age. Many assume that it is just a sign of aging. However, such pains have also been observed in younger age groups, including teenagers. Consequently, it has been assumed that these pains are not normal.
Eczema – the most common type of dermatitis
Date: August 2nd, 2014
Long-term eczema also known as chronic eczema affects the skin in several ways, which include; the skin color changing, scales appearing on the skin, flaking, dry skin and thickening of the skin among others. Each type of eczema depends on where the rash occurs, its cause and the shape it takes on the skin. They are mostly caused by skin irritation after contacting certain substances or even allergies.
Some of the types of eczema and where they occur
- Atopic eczema – this is an inherited form of eczema that occurs in the form of allergies on the face, neck and ears in babies and on the elbow, knee and other joints in the youth and adults.
- Hand eczema – it occurs on the hands as the name suggests and can be related to atopic eczema. It is caused by an allergy of using strong detergents.
- Asteatotic eczema – it occurs on the legs and mostly among the aged causing the skin to crack due to staying indoors especially during the winter season.
- Stasis dermatitis – it occurs in the legs due to poor functioning veins, which cause the legs to swell.
- Contact dermatitis – there are two types in this case; irritant and the allergic caused by the skin being in contact with irritants while the other is caused by allergies to certain substances.
- Nummular eczema – it is said to be related to fungal infection as well as atopic eczema. It is characterized by patches with the shape of a coin on the neck, chest and arms.
Diagnosis and preventive measures
When you visit a doctor, they would want to know whether anyone in your family had any type of eczema, whether you have been exposed to irritating substances or whether you have come into contact with substances that trigger allergies.
It can be prevented by avoiding the use of perfumed products and extreme temperatures, blankets made of irritating material, for example, wool. Do not rub your body dry but instead pat it dry leaving a little moisture on the skin and apply any moisturizer afterwards. During winter season, the use of a humidifier while indoors would be important.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – a chronic skin inflammation disease
Date: August 1st, 2014
Rheumatoid arthritis is still a mystery to scientists as they have still not established its cause but only that it is autoimmune meaning the white blood cells react differently to the bacteria. The bacteria release a synovium layer of cells producing enzymes that damage the bone and the other parts near the joint.