Archive for June, 2014
Breast cancer radiation can help minimize heart disease risk
Date: June 10th, 2014
According to the findings of the UK based researchers, a gray unit of radiation that is administered can have a great impact on the heart which increases the likelihood of the woman suffering from a serious cardiovascular event in the future at some point. To be more precise, the risk is increased by as much as 7.4 percent. Together with her colors, Sarah Darby analyzed 168 survivors of breast cancer from Denmark and Sweden since 1958.
Vitamin D supplements can stop cancer and heart disease
Date: June 9th, 2014
However, the main question posed is whether healthy people would benefit from vitamin D supplements and a resounding yes is the answer to this question. As far as the results of a research conducted at Boston University School of Medicine go, increased levels of vitamin D in blood can have numerous health benefits.
Bad eating habits among children can cause heart disease later in life
Date: June 8th, 2014
Interesting findings of a research have shown that heart disease could be traced back to poor behaviors of eating during early age. This means that children predispose their bodies to develop heart complications in the future based on the foods they are given or those that they choose to eat. According to findings of ‘Young Finns Study’, researchers observed the role that certain eating behaviors play among 3500 research subjects aged between 3 and 18 years old. Scientists were able to link high risks of heart disease among subjects who took reduced intake for vegetables and fruits over their lives.
Low levels of vitamin C linked to high risks of heart disease
Date: June 7th, 2014
The conclusion of this study was aimed at proposing a protocol that would lay ground for further study that ensures a randomized double blind approach was taken for this new science based evidence. The proposal of this study was first recorded on March 2013 by PubMed, ‘Does a deficiency of vitamin C increase progression of vascular diseases associated with lifestyle. The evidence of this study was based on clinical and experimental studies.
Excess salt consumption is linked to numerous heart disease deaths
Date: June 6th, 2014
Nowadays, individuals who are health conscious and enlightened know too well that besides heart disease being preventable, it can also be treated effectively except when it has advanced to untreatable stages. It is of paramount importance that one modifies his or her lifestyle accordingly, which should involve eliminating fried and processed foods, reduction of stress, ceasing to smoke and engaging in adequate physical activities.
Extracorporeal for Life support
Date: June 5th, 2014
Heart attack or myocardial infarction usually occurs as a result of a restriction of blood flow to a beating heart. While this is related to a sudden cardiac arrest, they are not equivalent as a cardiac arrest involves a sudden stoppage of complete flow of blood due to improper contraction of the heart.
Coaching of bystanders leads to more lives being saved
Date: June 4th, 2014
The 911 operators coach the bystanders on how to assess victims of a sudden cardiac arrest and then immediately start the CPR. Cardiac arrest usually results when the heart’s electrical impulses go awry and makes it to beat abnormally.
Providing CPR training through public kiosks can help save more lives
Date: June 3rd, 2014
Hands only CPR- kiss of life not required
A new research has shown that providing CPR training through such public kiosks can minimize the fatalities involved during emergency cardiac arrest. This conclusion was reached at by a team of researchers at the University of Arizona.
Compression only CPR gains more support
Date: June 2nd, 2014
Chest compression alone leads to better survival
In a trial conducted in US that involved nearly 2000 patients, about 12.5% of them survived to being discharged from the hospital while 11% of them who received a combination of rescue breathing and chest compression were also discharged.
Lives might be saved by just watching a CPR video
Date: June 1st, 2014
A 60 seconds CPR demonstration video
According to the findings of this study, those people who watched the demonstration video had a high likelihood of taking action compared to those who didn’t. In the US, one of the top causes of death is cardiac arrest.