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Archive for June, 2014

Treatment and management for cervical cancer


Date: June 20th, 2014

Invasive cervical cancer not only affects deeper cervix tissues but also parts body parts as well like the vagina, rectum, bladder, lungs and liver. But cervical cancer grows very slowly and as it progresses via precancerous changes, this provides an opportunity for prevention and treatment when detected early. 

Your guide to skin cancer diagnosis, symptoms and treatment


Date: June 19th, 2014

Facts about skin cancer

Skin cancers are basically of three types and these are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. There are also other skin cancer types that are quite unusual such as dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans and Merkel cell tumors.

Emerging treatment options for prostate cancer


Date: June 18th, 2014

The emerging treatments for prostate cancer are seemingly confusing to most people. It is essential for you to understand that each of these treatment options comes with its share of benefits and risks that you should beware of. There is no single treatment that can be perfect for each and every man suffering from prostate cancer. You will need to know the treatments available at your disposal in terms of severity/stage of cancer and its grade, lifestyle considerations and age among other factors.

Why unstable Angina should be a matter of concern


Date: June 17th, 2014

An overview of unstable AnginaBlocking of the flow of blood to the heart is the cause of a heart attack. When the heart doesn’t receive oxygen that comes with the blood, it starts to die gradually. Getting quick treatment is crucial when it comes to minimizing the deadliness of a heart attack and this can go a long way towards bettering the survival chances of the patient.

Understanding different types of heart diseases


Date: June 16th, 2014

How your lifestyle and diet affects your heart’s healthDuring a heart disease diagnosis, the doctor will ask you to describe the symptoms you are experiencing and for information regarding your medical history. A standardized medical exam will be used to assess your physical condition as well as listening of whooshing or swishing sounds of the heart or the so called heart murmurs.

Heart bypass surgery as a treatment for heart disease


Date: June 15th, 2014

Know your different options for heart bypass surgeryYour doctor might consider treating your heart disease by providing your heart with a new blood pathway. During the heart bypass surgery on the coronary artery which is also referred to as ‘cabbage’ or CABG, the doctors remove or redirects a blood vessel in a way that the blockages are bypassed and the flow of blood to heart muscle is restored. This vessel is known as graft.

A critical look at heart rhythm disorders


Date: June 14th, 2014

Symptoms to alert you if likely arrhythmiasThe main and most important function of the heart is supplying the body with nutrients and blood. As the heart beats and contracts regularly, blood is moved throughout the body. Electrical impulses that control each heartbeat travel through the heart. In a normal situation, the electrical impulses tend to occur regularly. However, when everything is not alright with the electrical system of the heart, the heart fails to beat regularly.

What happens when suffers a heart attack


Date: June 13th, 2014

Useful heart attack management tipsSteps leading to a heart attack

Knowing what really happens when one suffers a heart attack is very important. To start with, you should know that the heart needs to be nourished constantly by oxygen rich blood. This critical supply of blood to the heart is supplied by coronary arteries. People with coronary artery disease have narrow arteries and the blood doesn’t flow properly as it should normally.

What you need to know about congestive heart failure


Date: June 12th, 2014

Causes, symptoms and types of congestive heart failureWhat exactly is heart failure?

A common misconception among most people is that heart failure means that the heart has stopped to beat. However, what a heart failure really means is that the heart has a weaker pumping power than normal. This results in the blood flowing at a much slower rate and is accompanied by increased pressure of the heart. The result of this is that the heart is unable to pump nutrients and oxygen to meet all the needs of the body.

Alternative and conventional treatments for heart attack


Date: June 11th, 2014

Causes and treatments for heart attackWhat causes heart attack?

Heart disease is a condition which makes the coronary arteries clogged with calcified, fatty plaques and this is the main cause for heart attacks. This impedes the flow of blood to the heart gradually and the body might compensate this with growth of a network of various collateral arteries that circumvent blockages.