The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for May, 2014

Are your genetic secrets really safe you probably think?


Date: May 31st, 2014

Balancing between science and health advancement and privacy protectionA new study has demonstrated that male volunteers who provide their personal genetic materials for undertaking scientific research shouldn’t be very confidence about the anonymity of the identity being guaranteed.

A monkey study shows that worm therapy could help ease colitis


Date: May 30th, 2014

Crohn’s disease and colitis are medical conditions that have really become increasing common in recent days but there seems to be hope in the tunnel. The parasitic microscopic pig worm eggs seem to be the answer to these conditions and while the treatment might sound unsavory, it could be the much-awaited treatment. In the study, which by the way even the BLS healthcare provider trainee should follow, 5 young rhesus monkeys which had been diagnosed to be suffering from idiopathic chronic diarrhea showed their symptoms greatly relieved after worm treatment was administered to them. This resulted in their gut being heath and considerably reduced inflammation of their colon or large intestine.

Drug shows effectiveness against fragile X syndrome


Date: May 29th, 2014

A new drug seems very promising in treating autism, a study showsAbout Fragile X syndrome

Fragile X syndrome refers to a typical genetic condition that is associated with mental retardation or intellectual impairment and to some extent, autism. The medication is still being studied by the scientists and a new research has been launched to ascertain if it can help those with autism improve their social withdraw.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of cardiac arrest


Date: May 28th, 2014

How good lifestyle helps prevent cardiac arrestWhen one suffers a cardiac arrest, his or her heart stops beating suddenly. The pumping of blood to the body stops and if the beating of the heart isn’t re-started within few minutes, the patient will die. The problem is known as sudden cardiac arrest.

How a traumatic event changed my life


Date: May 27th, 2014

How therapeutic approaches helps people deal with traumas

Sadie lay on the street bleeding heavily, dead

Every one of us has his or her traumas in life. Traumas are those kinds of experiences and events, which changed our life’s course or greatly impacted on our lives in one way or the other.

Quick action is crucial for survival in sudden cardiac arrest


Date: May 26th, 2014

How to minimize deaths caused by sudden cardiac arrestEven though sudden cardiac arrest is one of the most serious epidemic proportions in the world, most sudden cardiac deaths can be prevented with prompt CPR initiation and a quick automated external defibrillator. The heart tends to beat abnormally during a cardiac arrest and it is unable to pump blood to vital body tissues, including the brain.

Tips on how to have a more relaxed MRI


Date: May 25th, 2014

How to prepare for a scheduled MRI and avoid feeling intimidatedWhen you have a MRI scheduled may be the next day or in some few hours time, it is usual to have a panic attach. Just thinking about the machine’s claustrophobic atmosphere is enough to initiate the panic attach, which can even be more frightening than the scan itself.

The best treatments for head lice


Date: May 24th, 2014

Introducing Benzyl alcohol lotion for treating head lice among treatmentsHead lice are tiny parasitic insects that infest the neck and head areas and usually attach the eggs they lay on the hair shaft base. While head lice are not known to cause any disease, the thing is that they can irritate and cause itching to the scalp.

How to deal with Nasty medical professionals when seeking treatment


Date: May 23rd, 2014

The kind of doctors you should expect to find in the healthcare profession.
For any person who has been ill for a couple of years, chances are high that they have had to deal with some medical professionals who might have been either obnoxious or rude. There is that one or perhaps two doctors who you feel has mistreated you in some way by attending to you either negligently or rudely.

So, what happens with pinworms ?


Date: May 22nd, 2014

How pinworm infections happen and their likely treatmentsIt takes about a month from when adult female pinworms lay eggs for them to enter into your body. These eggs laid by a pinworm usually enter into a human’s body through the mouth after which they move to settle into the lower part of the digestive system where they develop into worms.