The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for September, 2013

Essential CPR Knowledge


Date: September 30th, 2013

Children learn how to perform CPREmergency medicine is a key technique that should be embraced and practiced by all individuals. It revolves around the procedures used when treating a person who is on the verge of death or risk of brain damage caused by cardiac arrest among other diseases.

CPR victims stagnates


Date: September 29th, 2013

Rate of old people surviving after CPR remains sameAccording to a research, the rate at which old and elderly people survive after having CPR administered to them has insignificantly changed. This is evident even though there have been numerous initiatives and incentives adopted in order to improve the cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure.

CPR ‘Hands-only’ procedure


Date: September 28th, 2013

Using CPR ‘hands-only’ often yield positive results60% of victims who receive ‘hands-only’ CPR are more likely to survive than those who neither received the treatment nor orthodox mouth to mouth CPR treatment. This is a finding based on adults who happen to suffer from sudden cardiac arrest.

CPR procedure as follows


Date: September 27th, 2013

CPR outline can reduce deaths cases outside hospitalsThe AHA (American Hearts Association) believes that the CPR guidelines cam impact positively once they are put in place. The guidelines are meant to improve the skills of the bystanders issuing CPR to the victim. It main objective is to make it simpler for normal people to understand the procedure and perform it effectively.

CPR for poor or black neighborhoods


Date: September 26th, 2013

Fewer CPR procedures performed in black or poor settingVictims who are unfortunate enough to suffer from a cardiac arrest in a poor neighborhood or predominately black setting aren’t likely to receive CPR. This is contrary to people who suffer the same fate in areas with rich people or whites who are more likely to offer some assistance in the form of CPR.

Adherence to CPR Guidelines


Date: September 25th, 2013

Consistent CPR application may improve rate of survivalIt’s been noted that performing CPR for a prolonged period of time on a patient suffering from cardiac arrest can increase their slim chances of living by very huge margins. This study done is applicable to both children and adults in need of CPR after suddenly suffering from cardiac arrests.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) education


Date: September 24th, 2013

Focus on prone areas during CPR empowerment says expertsAn official fact from the AHA (American Heart foundation) stated that concentrating the implementation of CPR skills in certain neighborhoods prone to cardiac arrests could save a lot of lives. This is true considering the fact that more people would be prepared in the event of an arrest affecting one of their family members or neighbors in the society.

Witnessing CPR helps


Date: September 24th, 2013

Study shows that relatives present during CPR bode wellHow family bystanders coped when witnessing CPR

Relatives are more likely to take in the idea of a losing a loved one should they be present at the scene when the CPR is being performed. A lot of people who are present when a CPR procedure is being performed to resuscitate a loved one are said to be better off. This is mainly because they’ll at least have the ability to take in the thought of having lost a loved one should the procedure fail.

Improve The quality of CPR


Date: September 22nd, 2013

New advice with the incentive of increasing CPR qualityAccording to a recent consensus statement that came from the American Heart Association, over half a million children and adults get cardiac attacks annually. The figures further states that only 15% or less of persons affected make it through the fatal experience. This alone made it one of the deadliest public health issues being faced by people in the United States.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) from AHA


Date: September 21st, 2013

Information from AHA explaining significance of CPRThe saga surrounding the ‘Why Do CPR?’ editorial

There is no doubt that CPR is a very important procedure when it comes to saving the life of a person having cardiac arrest. It’s believed that such people are either dead or on the verge of death. Every minute counts and that why the AHA wasted no time in moving swiftly to refute claims from an editorial called ‘”Why Do CPR?”