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Archive for August, 2013

Workout rules


Date: August 7th, 2013

The number of people in the U.S who exercise to keep their body fit is large. Unfortunately, most of them tend to sway off from recommended workout plans.

Exercise routines amongst adults in the U.S

Statistics from the government indicate that an alarming percentage of people exercising rarely adhere to physical activity guidelines.

Teens strain with physical exertion


Date: August 6th, 2013

A lot of the teens today have mentally and physically broken down. This can be attributed to the fact that most of them collapse after immense pressure.

Teen Survey studying teen reaction to extreme exhaustion

A study has shown that the physicality exerted on teenagers often leads to extreme exhaustion. The study also indicated that a lot of the cases often go unnoticed and are not treated accordingly.

Food allergic reactions


Date: August 5th, 2013

The number of youngsters affected by skin and food allergic reaction is slowly rising with a majority of specialist dumbfounded as to why it’s happening

The numbers behind the figures being stated

Government records indicate that the total number of children who are having allergic reactions on their skin has increased over the years.

Smoking influences


Date: August 4th, 2013

Effectiveness of student’s anti- smoking strategies

According to the new research, influence by peer pressure into smoking habits has more influence on kids in the middle school level compared to older students in high school. While the smoking behavior of their friends can have less influence for teens with time, the research found that the smoking behavior of high-school students is largely influenced by parents.

WIC program


Date: August 3rd, 2013

The objectives of the study

The Special Supplemental Nutritional Program in England for Women, Infants and Children or simply WIC introduced some revisions targeting the quantities and composition of food packages offered by WIC. As a result of these revisions, the allowances that were given for juice purchases in the program were reduced by nearly half of the initial amount.

Fewer calories


Date: August 2nd, 2013

Most people tend to think that drinking juice is one of the ways in which they can supply their bodies with daily fruit requirements. However, it has been noted that juice only contains a lot of extra calories, which will just not fill you up. The researchers said that it is possible to reduce the daily calories intake by lowering juice intake. A study conducted recently aimed at investigating if a reduction of allotment of juice in publicly funded programs can make low-income households to buy less juice or not.

Poor quality sleep


Date: August 1st, 2013

Factors attributed to fall of sperm counts

A recent research showed why having a good night’s sleep is important, particularly for men. According to researchers from University of Southern Denmark, men deprived of sleep were seen to have reduced levels of testosterone and significantly low sperm counts. As if this wasn’t enough, the same men were observed to have a shrinkage testicular size resulting from their lack of enough sleep. For decades now, the industrialized world has recorded a precipitous drop in sperm counts. As of now, the fall has largely been associated to men not taking a good diet as well as an increasing sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.