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Archive for August, 2013

Guidelines on tanning beds by the FDA


Date: August 30th, 2013

The potential for tanning beds to cause skin cancer will effectively require manufacturers to issue consumers with labels warning them of this risk.

Tanning bed distribution among consumers

The fact that tanning beds have the potential to increase the risk of users getting skin cancer will oblige the manufacturers to issue labels that inform customers. The consumer should also be enlightened on the fact that it’s a product that shouldn’t be utilized by consumers who are below 18yrs.

High school cyber bullied victim stands at 16%


Date: August 29th, 2013

According to a recent study on young teens, the number of children going to high school who are victims of cyber bullying is currently at 16%.

Oral drops


Date: August 28th, 2013

Using oral drops to cure and control asthma or any other allergic reaction has been found to be a far much better option as compared to using shots.

Reliance of oral drops in treating asthma/Allergy

Tests performed by John Hopkins Children’ Center has shown that administering under the tongue drops is a more effective allergy/asthma treatment as compared to use normal shots.

Many doctors found not to adhere to AAP regulations


Date: August 27th, 2013

A very big number of medical practitioners who mostly treat children rarely do so under the required and recommended ADHD treatment guidelines.

Pediatric Specialists and the ADHD treatment guidelines

A study has now shown that rarely do doctors treating ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder) in children follow the stipulated guidelines recommended. It showed that 90% of the total doctors currently in practice don’t adhere to AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) rules.

kids committing suicide


Date: August 22nd, 2013

A considerable number of young teenagers who are bound to be suicidal can be able to acquire a gun mostly found at their place of residence.

Suicidal youth statistics

Information made available from reliable sources reveal that approximately 20% of young children with suicidal tendencies are used to seeing guns at their parent’s house. 15% of the number studied confessed to have the ability to access the firearm.

Risks of kidney stone


Date: August 21st, 2013

Women who partake in light workout routines on a daily basis are less likely to have the formation of kidney stones as compared to women who don’t exercise.

Preventing kidney stone formation through exercising

An extensive research has now shown that Kidney Stone formation can be decreased by taking part in light exercises. This is evident due to the fact that 30% of women under a study showed lower risk of developing kidney stones when they exercised. The study also revealed that women who aren’t physically active had a higher risk of having kidney stones.

Rise in suicides


Date: August 20th, 2013

The past decade has witnessed a considerably sharp increase in the number of middle aged Americans taking away their lives due to various reasons.

Factors making middle aged Americans become suicidal

Reports from the federal health officials show that there has been a huge increase in the rate at which Americans currently in their middle ages commit suicide.

The main reason as to why there has been such an enormous figure is yet to be known. Financial problems amongst people in this age bracket were the only explanation that could be given at the moment.

Records from U.S Center for Disease Control and Prevention clearly indicated that there was a 28% rise in the number of middle-aged Americans willingly taking away their lives. The figures created reason for concern considering the fact that suicides were at only 13.7% per every 100, 000 middle aged American in the year 1999.

Kids with mental disorders


Date: August 14th, 2013

A study has revealed that children showing signs of mental illness and disorder don’t share or have an understanding of other people suffering and pain.

Mental illness and disorder in young children

A study has now revealed that mental illness can be discovered at its early stages even in young children. This was a finding according to a study done in the United Kingdom. The researchers got to this conclusion by scanning brains belonging to kids suffering from psychopathy. The subjects failed to show any remorse when picture of people suffering was given to them.

Dr. Essi Viding confirmed that their findings showed that kids with this type of disorder have something that is known as an atypical brain reaction. She emphasized that the discovery should not be utilized to signify any form of permanent disability but to indicate a form of weakness among these children.

Carcinogens in various lipstick


Date: August 13th, 2013

Findings reveal that certain types of lipsticks contain carcinogenic substances. This discovery has made users more aware and cautious of the product

Carcinogenic substance found in lipsticks

A study showed that lipstick is a product that might dim your bright future despite the fact that it lights it up when applied on your lips.

Suicidal trend amongst middle-aged Americans increases


Date: August 8th, 2013

Statistics show that the number of Americans currently in their middle ages committing suicide sharply increased hitting an all time record high.

Insight on suicidal rates amongst middle-aged Americans

The rates at which Americans who are aged from 35 – 63 who are taking away their life is said to have greatly risen from 1999 – 2011. This is a pattern that largely depicts the fact that a lot of American citizens at this age are suffering from stress caused by the financial crisis in the country.