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Archive for July, 2013

IQ level and ADHD


Date: July 31st, 2013

It appears that children who have both lower IQ level and ADHD might not pose significant differences from kids with normal IQ and have ADHD. It is largely believed that ADHD can similarly affect children with varying IQ scores. A newly released study focused at analyzing characteristics of ADHD- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with intellectual disability and normal intellect.

Irresponsible drinking


Date: July 30th, 2013

How drinking and being overweight can damage the liverFactors likely to cause liver disease

Researchers have issued a warning to the overweight women who engage in a lot of alcohol drinking. As per their findings, the researchers say that this could harm the liver severely. According to one of the studies, obese and overweight women who engaged in heavy drinking had high risk of developing chronic liver disease, which could probably kill them as well.

BP and glucose control


Date: July 29th, 2013

A look at the association between MA and Type 1diabetesThe risk of nephropathy development in Type 1 diabetes patients can be reduced by controlling BP and blood sugar level.

The association diabetes duration and age with MA

Researchers suggest that one of the most important ways to manage Type 1 diabetes is by keeping blood pressure and sugar levels in check. Controlling these two factors become even more relevant as the patients age. The researchers also found that diabetes duration and age posed a significant association with MA- microalbuminuria risk after analyzing data received from T1D Clinic Network.

Acid reflux disease


Date: July 26th, 2013

Treatment recommendations for gastroesophageal reflux conditionsThe fact a baby regurgitates regularly after taking a meal doesn’t necessarily mean that the child is suffering from acid reflux disease. Additionally, this also doesn’t call for surgical therapies, testing or medications according to a recently published medical report.

Overprotected children


Date: July 25th, 2013

How parents can help avoid victimization of their kids by bulliesA recent review of more than 70 studies that looked into 200, 000 kids suggested that parents who protect their young ones from various negative experiences only end up making them even more vulnerable. However, children whose parents are negative or harsh can easily be bullied, continues the findings.

Teens fighting insulin resistance with strength cardio fitness


Date: July 24th, 2013

A chronological account of insulin resistance in teensReduced levels of CRF- cardio respiratory fitness and abdominal muscle strength in teens are associated independently with high levels of insulin sensitivity, fasting insulin as well as β- cell functioning during young adulthood. This was according to an online study published in Diabetes Care journal.

Predicting heart risk using gut reaction


Date: July 23rd, 2013

The link between cholesterol management and cardiovascular diseasesMeasuring the risks of cardiovascular problems

Researchers reported that by undertaking a blood test which assesses the levels of TMAO, a certain compound found in the stomach can strongly indicate if one experiences heart problems like stroke down the road. When the level of TMAO- trimethylamine- N- oxide in the stomach is higher, this also increases the risks of cardiovascular problems, reported the research team from Cleveland Clinic.

Risks of smoking among women


Date: July 22nd, 2013

The correlation between light smoking and RA in womenA new research published online concluded that most women don’t know the risks of light smoking on their health wellness. According to their findings, researchers found that women who engage in light smoking were more likely to suffer from RA or rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, the researchers said that cessation from the smoking habit cannot entirely eliminate the risk but helps in reducing it.

Learning in autistic children


Date: July 21st, 2013

Comparing sign language and pictures for autism kids communicationA new research suggested that kids with autism and can’t speak stand to benefit a lot by communicating using pictures and even rewarding their small speaking attempts. The research also found that pictures were more effective in encouraging communication among autism kids compared to sign language that has for long been used when teaching kids with autism.

Response of Immune system in a baby


Date: July 20th, 2013

Why moms need to be less stressed during pregnancy periodAccording to the findings of a new research, mothers who experience high anxiety in their pregnancy period can suppress the response of immune system of their babies to vaccinations during their sixth month after birth. The study will be published in an online journal. This stifled nature of immune response showed up only after the young ones failed to receive the vaccine being tested in its full course.