Archive for May, 2013
The link between heart function and obesity
Date: May 20th, 2013
According to a panel of Belgium researchers, there is a high likelihood that the functioning of heart among healthy men can be raised artificially by introduction of estrogen levels. Estradiol is an estrogen that is majorly referred to as the female hormone. However, it is also true that the hormone is available in men but at a rather low level.
Heart disease
Date: May 19th, 2013
According to a recent research, drinking binge frequently in colleges has other disastrous effects later in life rather than the common hangover. Consumption of multiple drinks regularly within a short time period could lead to significant changes in normal circulation that can make a healthy young adult more vulnerable to suffering from cardiovascular disease in adulthood.
Frequent eating doesn’t necessarily result in overweight
Date: May 17th, 2013
The recent finding that eating frequently in kids doesn’t necessarily result in overweight and obesity has surprised many people who have always associated overweight with excessive eating. Also, the study reported that kids who took more food in a day but well distributed in the course of the day recorded a lower weight increase, unlike children that followed the traditional style of three squares.
Secondhand smoke on kids
Date: May 16th, 2013
Smoking can have more serious health effects rather than the commonly known damage to the lungs and a bad breath. It has also been associated with the risk of kidney disease, not just in adults only bout also children have a possibility of getting kidney disease. A recent research aimed at identifying how secondhand smoke affects the health of kidney in teens.
Sleep deprivation
Date: May 15th, 2013
While people know that teens have to go through insufficient sleep especially due to school, not many people are aware that sleep deprivation is one of the lifestyles leading to overweight problems. Nowadays, teachers and parents have become used to seeing kids drag themselves in a sleepy mood to school in the morning.
Pediatric meat
Date: May 14th, 2013
Immunoglobulin is an antibody in human body and has been associated with causing delayed urticaria and anaphylaxis. The antibody is formed soon after eating lamb, pork or beef and children diagnosed with urticaria or anaphylaxis have been found to contain the antibody in their body. This is according to a study published recently on the internet in pediatrics.
Risk of adult diabetes
Date: May 13th, 2013
Young adults are at a high risk of suffering from diabetes if they experience persistent obesity during their adolescence compared to people suffering from obesity during their adulthood. A team of researchers at Furman University in Greenville led by Natalie S.C undertook a study on 10, 481 young adults aged between 12 and 21 years of age. The cohort study was conducted on two occasions when the group was aged between 18 and 27 years of age and between 24 and 33 years.
Fragile bones: Development of osteoporosis
Date: May 12th, 2013
The fact that a child has big bones doesn’t necessarily mean that they have strong and denser bones. An increase in tummy fat levels among children causes a significant decrease of bone mineral density according to a new study. In addition, the research has also linked children obesity to the development of osteoporosis, a health condition that is increasingly becoming popular nowadays.
Baldness: Coronary artery heart disease
Date: May 11th, 2013
The risk of bald men suffering from coronary artery heart disease is higher compared to men with hair; a study has shown. However, researchers say frontal balding is less fatal than top balding as this article continues to explain. While a data analysis shows that there is a direct link between male pattern baldness and heart disease, this does not apply for baldness that occurs at the front of the head but rather on the crown
baldness only.