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Archive for May, 2013

Remedy For Allergies


Date: May 31st, 2013

Nutrition in Fish Has a Lot of Advantages

A number of studies have been done about the importance of fish in our diets, but the recent one shows that well prepared fish that is done according to the health standards will boost the activities of the brain to the aged people. It will also cover them from getting cardiovascular diseases, and the best of them all is that fish will make the immune system of people of all ages stronger.

Cancer Prevention


Date: May 29th, 2013

A Lot More Requires To Be Done ThoughMixed Results about Cancer Prevention

The results that were released recently by the American Cancer Society brings news that are music to the ears but still there is more to be done about the menace. It has shown that the rate of cigarette smoking is diminishing, and one of the areas where the impressive results that have been achieved can be seen is the huge drop in the smoking of the high school students.

Dark Skin and Vitamin D


Date: May 28th, 2013

How Blood Pressure Is Lowered By Vitamin DA study that was done by John P. Forman, MD, MSc showed a fall in the level of systolic pressure by 1.4 mmHg. This was based on a thousand international units of cholecalciferol administered per day, against placebo that was administered over a period of three months. John is a researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Kidney Clinical Research institute, Boston.

Rates of Antibiotic


Date: May 27th, 2013

How Antibiotic Prescriptions Vary In Different AreasThe Intake of Antibiotics Depends on Various Factors

The major factors that control the use of antibiotic in the United States of America are the age of the patient and geographical area. However, Lauri A. Hicks from United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta believes that 50% of the prescriptions for the antibiotics are not that necessary. Together with other colleagues they did a data analysis from the database of International Medical Services Health Xponent, on oral antibiotics that were dispensed in 2010.

Pediatric Cancers


Date: May 26th, 2013

Reduced Air Pollution Will Control Pediatric CancersA study was table before the annual meeting held by the American Association for Cancer Research in Washington D.C. showed that when pregnant women are exposing to polluted air increasingly, the kids that they are going to deliver are more likely to suffer from cancer related illnesses such as germ cell tumors, pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia and retinoblastoma. This also affects toddlers who are in the age bracket of one to six years.

Effects of Aspirin


Date: May 25th, 2013

Learn the Different Results That Aspirin HasAspirin Is A Remedy But Not To All

People who suffer from cardiovascular diseases can benefit from taking aspirin, but when the drug is used by people who do not have heart trouble the effects may be negative. Aspirin prescription is supposed to help your blood from clotting and this is why it is recommended to those people with cardiovascular problems. A research that was done recently indicated that the same drug may have less positive effects on people without heart problems.

Quit Smoking


Date: May 24th, 2013

You Smokers Can Stop Smoking through Natural MeansYoung Smokers Have an Advantage When It Comes To Stopping the Habit

Smoking is a habit that all who are hooked into will want to stop but as the adage goes that ‘a habit is a disease’, then most of them will seek for medical solutions that will help them out of the risky behavior which is also money consuming. Teenagers have an advantage because they can get out of it simply by engaging in exercises.

Metabolic disorders


Date: May 23rd, 2013

Stiffening of arterial walls associated with metabolic complicationsThe University of Eastern Finland did a study and concluded that children aged between 6 and 8 years experienced metabolic disorders including excess tummy fat, increased blood pressure, low levels of HDL and high levels of triglycerides, glucose and insulin. The researchers said that the metabolic risk factors usually accumulated in obese children. Another study published recently showed that such high levels of accumulation were associated with mild stiffness of artery walls.

Information about Negotiating RX


Date: May 22nd, 2013

Tricks patients use to make RX costs affordableA recent national survey showed that most adults below 65 years have a double possibility in relation to senior citizens in the nation to skip recommended dose by the doctor and avoid filling the prescriptions as recommended by doctors in their efforts to save some money. As per the findings of the survey, one of the most popular strategy of cutting cost that 20 percent of the patients employed involved asking for inexpensive drug prescriptions from their doctors.

Are you suffer from Hypertension?


Date: May 21st, 2013


The American Heart Association published new scientific findings that aimed at revealing alternative treatment approaches that could help reduce high levels of hypertension. According to the research, alternative therapies like isometric handgrip exercise, strength or resistance training and aerobic training could be of great usefulness for people experiencing high blood levels of 120/80 mm Hg and above.