The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for April, 2013

Chickenpox vaccine


Date: April 30th, 2013

What’s so special about the Chickenpox vaccine popular in the media?Survey concerning the chickenpox vaccine was used on children for a decade and four years, and research shows that the vaccine has been quite helpful. Three quarter of the children whom which the vaccine was used on have reported to be successful. It works for both chickenpox and shingles.

Marine food


Date: April 29th, 2013

The nutritional value you can’t ignore in fishMarine food contains Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids can be used to protect cardiovascular diseases. However, no human would accept to be used as a specimen in the laboratories and end up dead. Proving to man has always been a challenge for the scientists, as they are forced to use animals and rodents for the tests.

Research on Cardiovascular


Date: April 28th, 2013

Studies revealing cardiovascular health matters among the youthAccording to the “American Heart Association” AHA, the future does not look very bright for the youth of today as far as the health of their hearts is concerned. This is as long as they fail to make drastic and immediate changes in their cultural as well as social lifestyles.

Passive smoking effects


Date: April 27th, 2013

Research on effects of second hand smoking on pregnant womenAbout Research studies

A new study has revealed that a woman who stays around people who are smoking risks her unborn child’s health in that such a child could experience behavioral problems in future.

The study indicated that kids whose mothers exposed them selves to second hand cigarette smoke for at least half an hour per day were highly likely to suffer from aggression as well as attention problems at a tender age of 5.

A.D.H.D condition


Date: April 26th, 2013

Research on A.D.H.D condition in the United StatesResearch statistics analysis

Almost 20% of boys who have attained the age of going to high school have been diagnosed with A.D.H.D. The same applies to 11% of the school going kids. This data is according to American “center for disease controlling and prevention.” This A.D.H.D rates depict a sharp rise compared to the rates ten years ago, a matter that could be of great concern in the medical field. It could also be of greater concern that A.D.H.D. drugs are being excessively used among the American kids.

The numbers revealed that approximately 6.4 million kids aged between 4 years and 17 years have been diagnosed with A.D.H.D. some where down the line in their life time. Nearly 67% of those children who have been currently diagnosed with A.D.H.D. are treated with drugs like Ritalin as well as Aderall which are by their nature stimulants. Although the drugs can be quite effective in treating the A.D.H.D. condition, they have drawbacks in that they are addictive and can cause psychosis and anxiety.

Obesity in children


Date: April 25th, 2013

Research on self help program to conquer weight problem in childrenThere aren’t too many parents who can afford to take their kids to clinics for weight loss therapy sessions. However, there is good news because a new study shows that there are simplistic steps that can be adopted to help fight the weight problem in children. These steps are as equally effective as the other well known programs adopted for weight control.

Asthma and Allergies


Date: April 23rd, 2013

Asthma and allergies in America: What are they?A new study has come to reveal that many American adults that have got asthma have also got allergy.

Research statistics and review

Top researchers in the medical field evaluated data on about 2,600 citizens. The data was obtained from a reputable organization in the United States that conducts surveys on health and nutrition.

care for heart patients


Date: April 22nd, 2013

Need for follow up care after post emergency room chest painsThere has recently been a new study showing that the risk of a potential heart or diabetes disease patient experiencing heart attack following an emergency chest pain treatment is greatly reduced when they follow up their progress with a physician in a timely manner.

Teen birth statistics


Date: April 21st, 2013

Statistical research and review of on teen births in USAResearch and statistics review

About 1 for every 5 births by American teenagers of between 15 and 19 years is not their first. This is according to a recent federal report.

Out of 365,000 teenagers who delivered in the year 2010, about 67,000 of them have had at least a child before. This translates to 18.3%.

Basic tips that can assist Infant CPR


Date: April 14th, 2013

Infant CPRAbout the research study

Susanna Rohm was holding Isaiah, her two month old son, on her lap that’s when she noticed that something was wrong and the baby was not breathing, she panicked and started crying for an ambulance that is when the two boys came to her rescue, one performed CPR while the other one offered instructions while waiting for the ambulance.