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Archive for February, 2013

Treatment of Heart Complications


Date: February 5th, 2013

Although scientists have engaged in other researches before and created some other pacemakers, this was the first study that indicated that the muscle cells of the heart may actually be converted in to real pacemaker cells. The resulting or the created cells lead to electrical impulses generation from the cells of the ‘original’ pacemaker. The new cells spontaneous electrical impulses generation was simply indistinguishable from those of the pacemaker cells themselves.

Alzheimer’s disease


Date: February 4th, 2013

Researchers have ascertained that indeed, in the very near future, an MRI scan may be all a patient would need to go through to establish whether they would be likely to suffer Alzheimer’s disease in the future. This could be the best thing to come out of the medical world in 2012. The studies showed clearly that degeneration on the frontal lobe could be detected early enough and therefore, preventive measure taken to prevent the condition from escalation. At last, it could be goodbye to those needles in the spine for tests.

Cancer Screening Falls


Date: February 3rd, 2013

The main reason for this is that many types of cancer that affect men, and women are “silent killers”. True to their name, they are hard to detect in their early stages since most of them have little or no symptoms then and therefore, by the time they are detected it is usually too late. As this is not bad enough, there is the big issue of cancer screenings.

Serious Repercussions


Date: February 2nd, 2013

For once, early is not better. The flu season is with us again, and I hear that it is early, as if anyone was looking forward to it. However, this time around there is something to worry about folks. It has been reported that this is the earliest that the flu season has hit the US in the last ten years. While the Center for disease control and prevention are not 100 percent sure about the seriousness of flu, they agree that indeed, the flu will come early this season.

Overusing Psychiatric Drugs


Date: February 1st, 2013

There are many teens with mental disorders. Sadly, they are not on medication for one reason or another.

In a report published by Reuters on December 3 2012, research shows that a big number of teens in the US is on prescription psychotic drugs but that one out of every seven teens on psychotropic medication is  not on medication or at least misses on their medication form time to time.