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Archive for February, 2013

Right Amount of Sleep


Date: February 15th, 2013

The parents were to collect information about their children’s sleeping patterns. Kids of different races and ethnicity were included in the study. The study suggested that one-year kids sleep for about 12 -14 hours for a day. From 2-3 years slept for less than 12 hours. At the age of 4-8 years, the sleeping hours are reduced to 10 hours per day. Upon reaching their teens, they started sleeping only 8 hours per 24 hours section.

Heart Care


Date: February 14th, 2013

Heart diseases cut short the lifespan of many people. Sometimes, one could suffer heart failure while very far from a hospital. This becomes very dangerous for the victim and if first aid is not administered quickly, they could die. Many types of equipment have been manufactured to control and manage heart conditions. They include drugs and electrical devices. It was with medical technology advancement that the heart monitor was born.

Pediatrician Organizations


Date: February 13th, 2013

Pediatrician organization campaigns for the rightful measures that parents should take in avoiding the use of the possible pesticides near their home area. Children love playing their games in dangerous places. This leaves them at a high risk with the pesticides. Pesticides are everywhere and kids can get them from air, from the ground and from their food. Kids will eat and touch anything they come across their playground.

The West Nile Virus


Date: February 12th, 2013

The WN, albeit seasonal, is a serious illness in North America. In the USA alone, it is all over more than 42 states. It is reportedly rampant during summer but continues falling as other seasons usher in.

Regeneration of Heart Cells


Date: February 11th, 2013

Biologists and cardiologists from UT Southwestern teamed up to conduct a tissue study in mice to learn about the regeneration of the heart tissues. They found out that the very small micro RNAs strands were responsible for the regulation of gene expression that subsequently contributes to the regeneration ability of the heart about a week after birth. Immediately, after this, the regeneration ability of the heart goes completely.

Lifestyle Can Keep Complications


Date: February 11th, 2013

In a research that is as recent as December 20 2012, it has been finally established that the ‘power to alleviate pain in the legs that results from blocked arteries is always in our hands. It has also been established that the best way to avoid the after surgery complications that occur in the legs six months or so later can be gotten rid of by the incorporation of a few lifestyle changes in the life of the victim.

Overweight in Teens


Date: February 9th, 2013

The close to three decades research found out that obese and overweight teenagers of seventeen years of age had a likelihood of developing myriad kidney infections, three times more than the normal-weight individuals. This study that involved over a million people indicates that adolescence obesity increased chances of contracting the end-stage renal disease by close to seven times. Based on the study’s findings, overweight teens became obese adults with high susceptibility to chronic conditions like diabetes and stroke.

Foods and Drinks


Date: February 8th, 2013

The research findings indicated that the consumption of healthier diet seemed more widespread in the young and the aged as opposed to teenagers and middle -aged individuals. According to the study, women adopted better and healthier diets than their male counterparts. As compared to whites and/or blacks, Hispanics tended to have adopted better and quality diets. The research confirmed what many people had suspected and doubted for a long time, that the American diet is full of disparities.

The American diet is calling for immediate improvement regardless of the ages, races, socioeconomic status or the levels of education, according to the study’s author, Hazel Hiza. The study involved the use of responses derived from a national survey that incorporated precisely eight thousand, two hundred and seventy two Americans. The individuals listed the foods and drinks that they consumed in a single day compared to the suggested daily diets by the USDA (U.S Department of Agriculture).

Subsets of the individuals studied were reserved measurements between 0 and 100 as per the basis of the USDA recommendations for the different groups of foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, milk, meat and grains that they were consuming on a daily basis.

Childhood Bullying


Date: February 7th, 2013

Bullying has been in the researchers’ to-do list and after almost three decades of thorough research, they have been able to identify several consequences that can be linked to mental health problems as the child grows.

The consequences of bullying can be divided into two categories, short-term or immediate and long-term consequences. Consequences of the two categories can be linked to a number of psychological complications. Recent research conducted indicates that the secretion of cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone is reduced which in turn cause the victims to develop social interaction problems in addition to assuming aggressive and other wanting behaviors.

Psychological problems resulting from bullying

Bullying victims shows several psychological health problems. The most rampant is excessive anxiety and depression. Eating disorders are also very common especially in teenage girls of between ten and thirteen years of age who may be experiencing bullying. Psychosomatic conditions are also notable effects in male and female children. There could be bodily flaws that cannot be linked to any physical causes. One could experience stomach and headaches before beginning their school day.

Bullying and sleeping

Victims of bullying experience various sleeping complications. Victims may have trouble in falling and staying asleep and many times, they will spend sleepless night when and sometimes after being bullied. If a victim catches some sleep, then their likelihood of experiencing nightmares are higher than in those who have not experienced victimization. Well, while the nightmares may be or may be not about the bully, they are usually menacing and fearful.

Bullying and suicide

It is very unfortunate how bullying victims are more likely to commit suicide than their peers. This implies that their thinking is more suicide-bound and rampant than it is in their normal age-mates. Deriving at examples from top profile cases, many bullying victims act as directed by their thoughts, leading to deaths.

Bullying and peer interaction

Bullied or victimized individuals experience very low social and esteem status as compare to non- victimized individuals. Well, while bullying of a kid could be associated with being socially excluded in the first place, rejection by peers worsens when the kid experiences bullying. What results from this is the feeling of loneliness and desertion by the victim and subsequently, he/she suffers a low self-esteem and the inferiority complex condition.

Bullying and school

Academic deterioration can be linked with bullying. This is attributed to the increased absenteeism of the victim to avoid being bullied. A study conducted indicates that about 8% of the young scholars are absent at school for at least one time in a month to avoid victimization. If at school, the victims may avoid various school areas. Not only do the victims avoid certain areas of the learning institution, they are also have a certain scaring feeling that tends to make their learning very difficult, if not completely impossible.

Behavior Problems in Teenagers


Date: February 6th, 2013

What are some of the behavior problems that a teenager could be struggling with?

According to related studies, the following are the problems that teenagers can have:

–  Disregarding rules blatantly
–  Abrupt personality changes
–   Abuse of drugs and other substances
–  Skipping classes and unnecessary school absenteeism