The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Archive for January, 2013

No Relation between PPHTN and Fetal Exposure


Date: January 31st, 2013

The fears that fetal NSAIDS exposure could be responsible for the cases of hypertension in newborns have at last been laid to rest. In a research carried out by Physician’s Briefing and published on their website on Dec 3 2012, it was proved that the aforementioned substances are not to blame. This was after an intense research performed on 377 women in a Boston Hospital whose children had PPHN. While the NSAIDs exposure has been given a clean bill of health, one would want to know more about this to understand what the research was all about.

DIPs for Children Is On the Rise


Date: January 29th, 2013

Statistics have indicated that many children in The US are undergoing DIPs (Diagnostic imaging procedures).

In fact, every year the number of children who undergo this is on the rise. So what is diagnostic imaging and what are its benefits? Is it good or is it bad? Diagnostic imaging refers to procedures that doctors use to look inside the body of children or adult patients. The doctor will use a variety of methods and machines to look inside the body.

Number of Babies Born In US Continues to Drop


Date: January 28th, 2013

In comparison to the baby boom year when the birth rate was high, equaling 122 babies for every 1000 women, the number fell in the year 2011, coming to almost half, meaning that it came to about 63 babies for every 1000 women. There have been dynamic changes in the birthrates in the US among all demographics but the most appalling thing is that among all the groups of women that have been studied in research, it has emerged that the birthrates for newborns keep dropping.

Cases Of Menengitis


Date: January 27th, 2013

Nobody could ever have imagined that they would receive a life threatening condition from a vial of medication. The people who received vials of a steroid medication that had been prepared by the New England compounding center definitely didn’t expect this yet it is exactly what happened and with the death toll currently standing at 15 many people have been getting worried. The outbreak has so far been experienced in 14 states and there are already 205 cases that are being handled. The new cases came from the states of Florida, Indiana, New Hampshire and Tennessee.

Cases Of Dementia


Date: January 26th, 2013

The old saying that works without play makes Tom dull by could be coming back to media for further evaluations. Dementia is a condition mostly associated with seniors or most importantly people who have passed the ages of 60. However, in the recent times, it has been recorded that people at the ages of 40 years and above could also start experiencing this condition. Being tied in our offices all day would suggest that we may not have time to step outside and start exercising. For this reason, the condition could as well be on the doorstep.

Prolonged CPR Time Does Miracles


Date: January 25th, 2013

When someone brings this story to light, another person would probably argue it’s false for that duration can only indicate that the body is already growing cold with no movement of blood to the brain and other parts of the body. The point is that Howard Snitzer not only made history but can also be said to have cheated death. The device used to put him in a stable condition with no pulse as physicians worked with him has also gained a lot of reputation for its work during that time. Capnograph, is the name of this amazing device, whose work is to measure the amount of carbon dioxide released in every breath is useful as doctors can understand the amount of blood moving to vital organs even though the heart is not pumping.

Medical Innovations


Date: January 24th, 2013

The announcement of these innovations which took place a month ago from the time this article was published at the Cleveland clinic, which was by then celebrating its tenth annual medical innovation summit, was in a tight horse race between 150 more nominations. More than 110 experts were brought into the picture to provide information on possible winners.

Menthol in Cigarettes Is The Cause Of Addiction


Date: January 23rd, 2013

In accordance to a study performed by researchers, with the results appearing in the journal addiction, habitual smokers among children was as a result of those who decided to experiment with menthol cigarettes. According to these findings, 80 percent of those trying out the habit out of 100 percent were actually at a risk of developing the said addiction. The study was based on those experimenting with regular cigarettes from those experimenting with the menthol flavored cigarettes.

CPR Saves Lives – CPR Basics and Life Saving Statistics


Date: January 22nd, 2013

Each year events ranging from choking to cardiac arrests claim thousands of lives.  While this is tragic in and of itself, the more tragic part is that many of these deaths could be prevented. The way to prevent many of these deaths is a simple knowledge of CPR basics. As a provider of CPR courses we know first hand what an impact this knowledge would make and we hope that more and  more will become aware of this. We’ve put together some of these sobering statistics and CPR basics in the graphic below.

Risk Of Kidney Disease


Date: January 21st, 2013

Teenagers have a tendency of eating anything sweet and yummy they can get their hands on, which in return could play a part in excess weight. This is only part of the story, according to a recent study, childhood obesity is considered a pandemic that should be dealt with under any circumstances before it’s too late. Obviously, when these children start attaining certain ages and hence crossing into adulthood, they start to realize that they need to cut the excess weight as a way of restoring their beauty and natural figures.