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Archive for November, 2012

Brain development


Date: November 8th, 2012

Usually picking toys for kids is usually just about what’s fun. Toys are however how our children first start interacting with the world and there has been a long debate on just what impact toys can have on our children’s growth. The impact of such things as toys and books is further brought to the light by a new study that suggests that the cognitive stimulation that children receive in the early  has an impact on how the child’s brain will develop in the later years.

205 cases of menengitis documented in outbreak according to cdc


Date: November 7th, 2012

Nobody could ever have imagined that they would receive a life threatening condition from a vial of medication. The people who received vials of a steroid medication that had been prepared by the New England compounding center definitely didn’t expect this yet it is exactly what happened and with the death toll currently standing at 15 many people have been getting worried.

3 Hours of physical activity for kids under 6 suggested


Date: November 6th, 2012

You just can’t overstress the importance of exercise in the world that we now live in. With a very large percentage of the population already being classified as obese and more seeming to be headed in the same direction, exercise may just be the most important word in the dictionary right now. It’s also not just about obesity, heart disease, various cancers and many more diseases are being linked to lack of physical activity.

Study finds brain development dependent on childhood stimulation


Date: November 5th, 2012

The impact of environment on the growth of children has been a frequently discussed issue. A study which has been carried out over the course of two decades has now revealed that when a kid is surrounded by toys that are educational and books at an early, this will leave a fingerprint in the child’s brain well into their teens.

Risk of asthma higher for babies exposed to second hand smoke


Date: November 4th, 2012

The ills of smoking aren’t lost on anybody who has been keeping up to date with current trends. With smoking being heavily linked to lung cancer, heart disease and a mirage of other problems, it is impossible to ignore the effect that smoking will have on the life of the smoker. In the most recent studies, it was actually revealed that full time smokers may be shortening their lifespan by half.

Dimmer prospects in adulthood for kids with adhd


Date: November 3rd, 2012

3 to 7 percent of children who are of the school going age suffer from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly abbreviated as ADHD. What has been of great concern isn’t just the effect that this has on them at this age but how this will affect them later in life. ADHD affects many activities that play a great role in the futures of children such as education and this means that the condition will undoubtedly have some effect in the later years.

B-vitamins have no effect on risk of colon cancer


Date: November 2nd, 2012

The search for the causes of various forms of cancer has had many suspects and culprits some proving to be innocent with others proving to be a cause of worry. The difficulty in the search for cancer causes is made difficult by the time it usually takes for the cancers to show up after the exposure to the cause; some cancers show up decades after the exposure and this makes the causes that much harder to know.