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Archive for October, 2012

Flu activity minimum in the US


Date: October 21st, 2012

Few Cases Of The Flu Reported In The U.S.Once again, it’s that time of the year when flu cases are expected to be on the rise. According to the CDC spokesman, cases of the flu usually start rising around October’s end and reach their highest level at the beginning of the new year before gradually decreasing around March and April.

Why it’s okay to get just-enough caffeine fix even while pregnant


Date: October 19th, 2012

There’s an episode in Grey’s Anatomy where the pregnant character named Callie was prevented from drinking caffeine by her girlfriend Arizona and friend Mark. She’s always been a coffee drinker and since she was not allowed even a sip of caffeine, she had to go through several withdrawal symptoms and cannot even focus on her work.

Smoking in hollywood turn my kids into a smoker?


Date: October 18th, 2012

Do you remember that time when you were an impressionable kid yourself? As a pre-teen or a teenager, you were in so much of a hurry to grow up that you think anything that adults do is cool. You try to grow up too fast and hate it when older people call you a kid. This could be the same feeling that your tween or teenage kid may have, and Hollywood flicks may just be the culprit.

Do My Kids Really Need a Load of Vitamin Supplements?


Date: October 17th, 2012

Do my kids really need a load of vitamin supplements? When you’re an overly concerned parent, part of your routine in caring for your kids would be to give them a dose of multivitamins. This is so that they will not get sick, and get the vitamins and minerals that they need to grow which they sometimes do not get from their diet.

Does Your Child Have Sleep Apnea? Why It’s Important to Get Treatment


Date: October 16th, 2012

For parents, there’s no better feeling than seeing their kids grow up to be happy and healthy. If you have no medical background, it does pay to be observant about your child’s habits because there might be underlying health problems with symptoms that may not necessarily show up. Let’s take sleep apnea as an example.
According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, it is estimated that 1 to 4% of kids suffer from sleep apnea. The age range is from 2 to 8 years old.

Trend of Diagnosed ADHD in Poor Kids


Date: October 15th, 2012

When you hear so many stories about how adults manage to cope despite being diagnosed with something like ADHD or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, it makes you wonder what effect the condition would have on children. If you’re a parent who thinks that your child has symptoms of the condition, how are you supposed to cope?

Fight disease with these 3 nutritional diets


Date: October 13th, 2012

Fight Disease with NutritionYour diet is about more than trimming inches from your waistline and getting your body beach ready. A healthy diet can also help you ward off diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and gastrointestinal problems. Here are three healthy diets that medical experts say will not only improve your weight but also your overall health.

An increase in resting heart rate may be indicative of heart disease


Date: October 12th, 2012

Resting Heart RateResearch out of Norway has shown that a rise in a person’s resting heart rate may be a significant indicator of the development of heart problems. The study looked at about 30,000 people over a ten year period.  The participants in the study whose resting heart rates went up by more than 15 BPM (beats per minute) over ten years’ time were two times as likely to die from ischemic heart disease than the participants who had heart rates that remained steady. 

Vitamin B3 may help men fight erectile dysfunction


Date: October 11th, 2012

Vitamin B3 Fights Erectile DysfunctionResearchers have found that taking niacin daily, another name for vitamin B3, can help men with high cholesterol that have erectile dysfunction (ED).  Data shows researchers discovered that men who took vitamin B3 experienced improved erectile function.

High levels of good cholesterol may combat alzheimer’s disease


Date: October 10th, 2012

Alzheimer’s Disease A study has found that people with higher levels of HDL cholesterol are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD) than people with lower levels of HDL. HDL stands for high density lipoprotein and is considered the good form of cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps remove bad cholesterol from the body, clearing the arteries and helping to prevent heart disease.